LivingDoes the pink pill work against the lack of...

Does the pink pill work against the lack of desire?

Flibanserin or misnamed female viagra is a drug whose use has been controversial from the beginning. First of all, its active ingredients have nothing to do with those of the male pill . It is a substance that acts on the brain and, therefore, has to be taken continuously to produce its therapeutic effect.

However, it has been received by the public as a miracle drug that could serve as a stimulant of the female libido that activates a woman’s sexual organ in one shot, an effect that it obviously does not have. In fact, the medical community does not agree on whether it actually has any short-term benefits on the erotic level . Keep in mind that not all scientists agree that there is the problem that this pill is supposed to eliminate. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, that is, the lack of desire to make love, is a highly questioned diagnostic entity.

Dr. Leonore Tiefer, a professor of psychiatry at New York University, is one of his detractors. First, he argues that low libido is a fuzzy label ; “Low relative to whom? Are there standards that quantify the amount of erotic desire a human being should feel?” On the other hand, if a woman thinks she has a more inhibited sexual desire than she would like, the problem is not usually physical.

However, there are also scientists who have supported its effectiveness. Sally Greenberg, director of the National Consumers League, appreciates what this drug means when it comes to addressing women’s sexual health. In her opinion, the mere fact of considering female desire as a physical problem – although only the first steps in this direction are being taken – is already a step forward in giving women the right to an active sexuality .

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