NewsDramatic rescue from Ukraine: Dogs and cats safe at...

Dramatic rescue from Ukraine: Dogs and cats safe at Gut Aiderbichl sanctuary

Not only people suffer from the war in Ukraine. Many animals are also affected by the crisis. Gut Aiderbichl in Austria has now taken care of her.

Salzburg – Every day we get the terrible pictures from the Ukraine. Bombed houses, tanks rolling through the streets of Kyiv, injured people being rescued from the rubble by helpers. In order to help people flying out of the crisis area, many cities in Baden-Württemberg* provide accommodation and relief supplies. Numerous sanctions were also imposed on Russia. However, these measures against Russia do not go far enough for many people in Stuttgart* ( BW24 reported). Many are calling for more support, including in the form of arms deliveries.

But not only the people suffer from the war in Ukraine. Numerous pets and farm animals are also affected. Many pets from Ukraine refugees are currently looking for foster homes in Baden-Württemberg*. An Austrian sanctuary for animals at Gut Aiderbichl has now given two Ukrainian families and their 43 four-legged friends a new home.

Gut Aiderbichl takes in family and animals: 35 dogs and 8 cats are finally safe

When the sanctuary’s animal rights activists found out about the precarious situation in Ukraine, they packed cars and trucks with animal feed, medicines and much more. The animal shelter in Karlsruhe is also helping and is looking for foster homes for rescued animals from Ukraine*. On the way to the crisis area, the helpers from Austria heard a story that tore their hearts: a large family fled with their children and their dog breed towards the border. The four women are completely on their own. Because the men had to turn back at the border and stay behind in Ukraine to fight in the war. It was clear to the animal rescuers: they have to help here.

The animal rights activists reacted immediately, contacted the family and drove to meet them. A nerve-wracking ride, as Klaus Spielbüchler from Gut Aiderbichl explains. “The whole trip was very exhausting and unsure if we would even meet the family. It was uncertain whether they would even be allowed to cross the border. The return trip from the border was also very intense.” Because on the way back, the women found out that their home village had been bombed in the meantime.

Kofferraum eines Autos, ein Hund schaut über das Gepäck


The family’s dogs were divided between several cars.

But they did it. 35 dogs and eight cats are finally safe after a long journey. Gut Aiderbichl in Austria has taken in the four- and two-legged friends.

Ukrainian family and their animals can come to rest in Austria

The family was very unsure what to expect, Klaus Spielbüchler continues. For the time being they can stay at the sanctuary, collect themselves and decide on the next steps. The animals can now also relax and come to rest after all the stress. A large meadow for romping, hunting and relaxing was specially prepared for the dogs.

Anyone who would also like to help people from Ukraine can find out about various offers of help in Baden-Württemberg* on BW24 . *BW24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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