EntertainmentGamesEight years after its release, they discover an easter-egg...

Eight years after its release, they discover an easter-egg in The Last of Us in which an ant appears infected with Cordyceps

During the last months The Last of Us: Part II has been one of the most outstanding video games for the amount of awards it has won. However, today we have to talk about its prequel, because a curious easter-egg has been discovered after eight years that have passed since the launch of The Last of Us.

The one in charge of showing it has been Anthony Caliber , known for being the best speedrunner of the Naughty Dog masterpiece that was originally published on PS3. Well, it turns out that at the beginning of the game you can discover that there are ants that have been infected with Cordyceps , the deadly parasitic fungus that transforms humans into dangerous creatures against which you must fight during the adventure.

The process to find it is simple. At the beginning of the game when you take control of Sarah , Joel’s daughter, and take her from one place to another the house they live in, you can go to a room that has the TV on . At that time they will be giving a news and the connection will be lost after an explosion occurs.

At that time it will be time to load the game from the control point that will be created. Then the explosion in the background will be heard again before you enter the room, so that you will see that the TV has no signal. If you go out and go down the stairs with Sarah, another checkpoint will be created, at which point it will be time to load the game again and return to the room with the TV .

That is when it is possible that the real image of an ant that has been infected by Cordyceps appears on TV. Anthony Caliber himself, after having played almost 8,000 hours of The Last of Us, has admitted feeling surprised that something like this was discovered after receiving the tip of a follower on Discord. We leave you with the video that shows the whole process.

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