LivingTravelEllis Island Immigration Museum Visitor Information

Ellis Island Immigration Museum Visitor Information

Located in New York Harbor, approximately 12 million third-class steamship and steerage passengers were processed on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954. Immigrants entering the United States through New York Harbor were screened. legally and medically on Ellis Island. In 1990, Ellis Island was renovated and transformed into a museum dedicated to educating visitors about the immigrant experience.

Activities on Ellis Island

  • Island of Hope, Island of Tears – This 30-minute documentary film is a great introduction to the immigrant experience on Ellis Island. Free screenings throughout the day.
  • Ranger Guided Tours – Free 45 minute tours of Ellis Island history.
  • Audio Tour: Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese, the tour consists of one hour of audio, divided into short clips for various exhibits.
  • Board of Special Investigation Program – Participate in immigrant hearing reenactments.

Ellis Island with kids

  • Strollers are allowed on the ferry and inside the Ellis Island Museum.
  • Grassy areas are good for picnics and breaks.
  • Sing a Song of Freedom: The Story of Emma Lazarus and the Statue of Liberty – This 30-minute interactive play with live actors is a good choice for families with children ages 5-12.
  • Ellis Island Youth Ranger Program – A free booklet offers activities for kids to complete while exploring Ellis Island. It is available at the information booth or can be printed online.

Genealogical Resources on Ellis Island

  • Genealogy Workshops: Free monthly workshops are offered from March to October on Ellis Island by the National Archives on Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors. Workshop hours
  • The American Family Immigration History Center – Downtown is easy to access ship manifestos.
  • Historical Research Center – Database with thousands of surnames, their origin, meaning, vital events and the first records found.
  • American Immigrant Wall of Honor – The largest wall of names in the world.

Food on Ellis Island

The concessions offer a wide variety of options, from burgers to veggie wraps. Drinks, coffee drinks, ice cream and fudge are also available. There are plenty of picnic tables to enjoy lunch, whether it’s a picnic or bought from Ellis Island.

Ellis Island basics

  • Tube: N / R to Whitehall; 4/5 to Bowling Green; 1 to South Ferry.
  • Hours: Open every day (except Christmas Day, December 25) from 9:30 am to 5 pm (extended hours in summer). Ferries run every 40 minutes, but there are more ferries from late spring to early fall. See the Statue Cruises website for more details.
  • Ellis Island website:
  • Ellis Island photos
  • Admission Price: There is no charge for museum admission, however access requires the purchase of a ferry ticket.

Near Ellis Island

A visit to Ellis Island is a journey back in time. Most of the exhibits and displays listen to the moment of European mass immigration across the Atlantic via the ocean liner. You can rub the name of a family member on the American Immigrant Wall of Honor and enjoy a breathtaking view of Lower Manhattan.

Security is very serious for visitors to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty – everyone will clear security (including X-ray baggage checks and go through metal detectors) before boarding the ferry.

The genealogy files are housed at the American Family Immigration History Center on the island. You can do your research on the accompanying website ( or at the National Archives and purchase books on genealogy from your bookstore. To research a family member, it is helpful to have the following information: name, approximate age of arrival, approximate date of arrival, and port of embarkation or departure.

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