SportF1F1 drivers frustrated by FIA changes in France

F1 drivers frustrated by FIA changes in France

In previous years, the pit zone where the speed limit is 60km/h started shortly after the last Formula 1 team garage, near the start/finish line, and drivers could turn off the speed limiter and start accelerating at that point.

However, the pitlane extends past another garage building, although these are not used by the Grand Circus teams.

It has been learned that during the FIA track inspection on Thursday, the race director, Eduardo Freitas , and his deputy, Niels Wittich , decided that this provision was potentially dangerous, since if a driver loses control when speed up, you could head into these garages or endanger track personnel in this area.

Therefore, they decided to move the end of the speed limit zone to the actual exit of the pitlane.

The change has had two main consequences for drivers and teams. Firstly, pit stop times will be increased by around 3.5 to 4 seconds , a figure that throws off any strategy calculations made before Thursday, while it may encourage teams to look for ways to make a single stop.

Secondly, it means drivers will be exiting pit lane at a slower speed and therefore find it more difficult to defend their position at Turn 1 when returning from a stop. The slower cars coming out are also potentially more dangerous for those passing by the side of the pitlane.

Some drivers questioned the change of the speed limit zone at the meeting, but it was made clear that the priority was safety.

In an update to the race director’s notes issued by Freitas on Saturday, it has also been noted that an arrow-shaped sign has been placed at the pit exit so drivers are clear when a slower car is retiring. of the pitlane.

Freitas wrote: “There is an active digital panel positioned at the top of the pit wall adjacent to the pitlane exit (to the driver’s right). Whenever a car comes out of the pits, this panel will display an arrow pointing left. to inform drivers on the track that a car is leaving the pitlane.

Pit limiter

The new signal that will indicate the exit of a driver from the pitlane

Another major point of discussion at Friday’s briefing was the baguette -style curbs used in various corners of the Paul Ricard layout, with Sebastian Vettel being one of the most vocal on the matter.

The German pointed out that some drivers from lower categories have been harmed after their cars jumped after passing over them, reminding those present of the incidents that occurred in Austin last year, which led to the removal of these curbs.

He also noted that white line regulations are sufficient to deter abuse of track boundaries, with the FIA explaining that the curbs had been necessary for a Porsche event.

However, after considering the matter overnight, Freitas explained in his closing notes that “deterrents (” baguette curbs”) adjacent to the track at the exit of Turn 5 and Turn 15 have been removed”.

At the behest of the GPDA, the drivers’ association, Friday’s briefing also reviewed several recent incidents in an effort to give drivers a better idea of why penalties are or are not applied.

One of the videos shown was Fernando Alonso’s maneuver ahead of Valtteri Bottas on the last lap of the Canadian GP, which ended with the Spaniard being penalized.

The incident was reproduced from various angles and it was apparently so clear that Alonso had made multiple moves to avoid being overtaken that laughter went off throughout the room. When an informal vote was taken on whether it was a fair penalty, all drivers except Alonso and teammate Esteban Ocon voted in favour.

After watching the videos, most drivers also agreed that George Russell deserved a penalty for throwing Sergio Pérez off the track in Austria, while many also felt that Alex Albon should have been punished for his incident with Sebastian Vettel on the same date. Even Albon, who got rid of the sanction at the time, recognized that he had been guilty.

Another topic of conversation, this time at the team principals’ meeting, was the lack of a penalty for Alonso after being investigated when his team unsafely let the car go, as his front left wheel was not bolted on properly.

The consensus was that the rule requiring drivers to stop immediately if they or the team suspect a loose wheel should be more strictly enforced in future.

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