FunFairies: history, legend, where they come from and curiosities

Fairies: history, legend, where they come from and curiosities

We have all played and fantasized with fairies, those imaginable beings that do not really exist but that we make them accompany us in all the good things to fulfill our wishes. They are represented by the figure of a woman, with an elegant appearance and great beauty. With very feminine features and large wings, they are enigmatic beings. Fairies are part of a fantastic world in the same way that mermaids or elves are, and they exist mainly in the minds of children to fulfill wishes. witches, fairies represent the good side and have no evil. In literature they always help and try to do good against evil. First representations in literature and origins In the same way as mythology, fairies are present in literature and that is why they were present. Some of its first manifestations were seen in the work ‘Metamorphosis’ by the Roman poet Ovid, which dates, although it is not certain, from AD 8. Other of its origins could be from Celtic mythology. While they could also come from the Middle Ages (11th to 15th centuries) because it was in this period that they were most talked about.Types of fairies Perhaps you think that all fairies are the same. Yes it is true that they look alike, that they are fantastic beings with wings, but there are different types according to the different origins and mythologies. In this case, we can mention the lamias, which correspond to Greco-Roman mythology or the well-known nymphs, which arise from Greek mythology, while we also find salamanders, dryads, and sylphs. Surely you have seen them in the various books and each one has its characteristics.Curiosities of the fairies We see many times that the fairies meet three by three and the reason is due to the influence of mythological stories such as the Greek Moiras or the Roman Fates. Among their functions, we have already seen that they are dedicated to doing good and engaged in music, dance or games and love. Fairies are small beings. But there was a time when their size was bigger and it was in William Shakespeare’s play, a ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ when they started to have that small size that we have always seen.

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