NewsFatal attack on grandma in court

Fatal attack on grandma in court

A grandson is walking in the woods with his grandmother. Suddenly he begins to hallucinate in the drug frenzy: he believes that her horns are growing and goes for her. The woman dies a little later.

Gera – Because he is said to have beaten and fatally injured his grandmother in the drug frenzy, a 25-year-old has had to answer to the Gera district court since Tuesday.

At the start of the homicide trial, the young man confessed to the attack that, according to the public prosecutor, had led to the death of the 81-year-old ten days later. “I did massive physical injuries to Grandma, I’ll admit that,” he said. He had used drugs before the crime and then developed delusions.

The public prosecutor’s office had accused the German of slapping his grandmother in the face on an April day in a wooded area near Altenburg and of banging her head against the ground several times. He is said to have previously accused her of killing her grandfather and shouting: “Grandma, you stay here, I’ll kill you.” Ten days later, the woman died of acute lung failure as a result of the attack.

Because of a drug-induced psychosis, the man was not at fault, the prosecutor said. For him, placement in a rehab facility or in a psychiatric hospital could be considered. Seven days of negotiation are scheduled for the process.

After the drugs came the delusions

He first had breakfast with his grandmother on the day in April of this year, the defendant said. He then went home and used different types of drugs. He later picked up the woman with whom he had a good relationship for a walk with him and his mini Chihuahua.

The delusions began in the forest. He saw his grandmother’s horns grow. “I thought she was the devil,” he said. Then he attacked her. He also attacked his beloved dog because he thought the animal was a “hellhound”. When he came to in a clear moment, he made the emergency call. “Then I hugged grandma because I noticed that she wasn’t the devil after all.”

The testimony of the woman who died later was also read out in front of the court. Shortly after the fact, she described how her grandson attacked her. First they went for a walk. “That was all nice.” Then he started to get funny and to speak as if he were in another world. He grabbed her arm and shook her. Then she fell face down on the ground. He kept pushing her head down when she was lying on the floor. According to the interrogation, she said about her grandson: “He was on the right track.” Dpa

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