SportF1Fernando Alonso saves a bullet for Lewis Hamilton and...

Fernando Alonso saves a bullet for Lewis Hamilton and does not rule out fighting for another title

Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso . Two old engine lions. You are in the middle of the fight to become the first driver to win eight world titles. The other observes that possibility from a nostalgic distance, but convinced that, if Alpine manages to align the pieces, it may still have one last chance when the regulations suffer the expected shock of 2022 . In memory, their year of coexistence at McLaren, that 2007 full of emotion and controversy that Kimi Raikkonen took advantage of to leave both of them with a span of noses.

“I’ve always said it, that year we were both very poorly advised. We had a very competitive car. Ferrari too, but not up to ours “, recalls Fernando Alonso, more conciliatory than ever at 40 years old. ” Both Hamilton and I have good memories of that year and hopefully we can fight for the title again , why not?” Verstappen.

Sitting next to him in the press room of the Brazilian circuit of Interlagos, Hamilton simply remembers 2007 as “one more year” in his award-winning career . “We were both very young in that battle we also had against Ferrari, which was a very strong team at the time. I do not value one over the other, all the years have been hard in their own way, “he sums up.

With four races remaining to close this World Cup, Hamilton is very clear that he is not the main favorite, since Max Verstappen leads him by 19 points after proclaiming himself the winner in the last two events held in Mexico and the United States. A new triumph for the Dutchman in Brazil could give the finishing touch to the Briton, still the owner of that voracity that one day made him the great enemy of Fernando Alonso.

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