SportF1Ferrari asks for explanations for the controversial Mercedes mirrors

Ferrari asks for explanations for the controversial Mercedes mirrors

The Mercedes team completely remodeled its mirrors in the last test of the Formula 1 pre-season in 2022 carried out in Bahrain, as part of the package of changes they made to the sidepods of the W13 .

Rivals questioned what Mercedes had done, suggesting that some elements of the mirrors were used for the benefit of aerodynamics, something that supposedly cannot be done under F1 technical regulations.

The matter was discussed at a meeting of F1’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) this week and all came to the conclusion that the German team’s solution was completely legal.

However, Ferrari believes the FIA should study the matter in more detail and issue a technical directive to advise teams on what is and is not allowed in this regard.

Ferrari director Mattia Binotto said the situation was similar to what happened to his team in 2018, when they mounted the mirrors on top of the Halo for some aerodynamic benefit, but had to remove them after a few races following intervention. of the FIA.

“No one is questioning the legality of Mercedes’ solutions,” Binotto said.

“But in 2018, we put the mirrors on the Halo, a solution that was legal as the regulations were written. However, two races later, a new technical directive from the FIA forced us to remove them because they would have had an aerodynamic influence. not accidental.”

“This is the principle I want to stress. The FIA has the authority to clarify this, and I am curious to see how the situation evolves this time around. More than appeals, I expect clarification.”

Binotto says the key for teams to understand would be to find out how aggressive Mercedes’ mirror solution is and how much aerodynamic benefit they can gain.

Under current regulations, any aerodynamic benefits from elements around the mirror must be “incidental” only, as their primary purpose is to act as a support.

Mattia Binotto, Team Principal, Ferrari

Binotto added: “The FIA has always made it clear that the mirror mount must only have a structural function and, if it involves an aerodynamic influence, it must only be ‘incidental’.”

“If this has been the principle that the FIA has insisted on in the past, I think it must be the same today and in the future. There is no reason to change your mind today.”

“Regarding mirror support, the FIA has issued technical directives outlining the basic concept in the past.

“I think certain solutions that you see on these cars don’t have an incidental influence, but have a clear aerodynamic purpose, so I think they are contrary to what the FIA has indicated in the past.

Asked if Ferrari was going to press the FIA directly for clarification, Binotto said: “It’s not an easy discussion. It involves all 10 teams, plus the FIA and Formula 1, meaning there are 12 different realities. “.

“Each team will try to take it to their ground. The discussion has already started, but I don’t know what decisions will be made yet.”

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