EntertainmentMovies & TVFilmin: Your Twitter Hack Turned Into A Marketing Master...

Filmin: Your Twitter Hack Turned Into A Marketing Master Twist

Filmin is the video on demand platform with the most independent film content on the market. Rather than advocating mass-audience productions such as Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime, this streaming has taken an artistic perspective that delights even the most staunch fans of the celluloid industry. clearly reflected in the catalog it has, wrapped in an aroma of qualitative authority that other services dispense with in favor of the volume of subscribers; but it is also extrapolated to their way of communicating on social networks. However, during the last hours, his Twitter account has completely changed dynamics, apparently the victim of a hack that was about to become the largest media assault on a cinema platform. But, against all odds, this seems to have been a remarkable commercial strategy to present the documentary ‘The Infiltrator’: an act of mastery over contemporary communication.The most hilarious hack on the Filmin account With a “Filmin’s catalog is almost as basic as your Twitter password ”has opened the ban on a succession of tweets that claimed that a cybercriminal had taken the reins of the account. Since that moment, the alleged hacker has begun to share a wide assortment of messages with which he did not hesitate to expose both the streaming platform and his target audience. Now that we can talk about real movies, what is the best of Fast & Furious? Six?”,“ If you ask yourself, Filmin’s password was ‘mariocasas’ ”or“ Fav if the MySpace app works better for you than Filmin’s on mobile ”have been some of the most outstanding publications that have been happening to throughout the morning. The media impact has not been expected, reaching over 700 RT and 3,000 “likes” in one of his tweets, in which Milhouse was seen watching the Teletubbies with the phrase Filmin subscribers: “Yes, yes. I’m also watching Haneke’s last ””. A scathing irony that has generated all kinds of reactions among followers, giving the account an interest that, to date, it had not generated. However, despite the fact that the hypothesis of the hack seemed to be confirmed from the beginning, Filmin has revealed its letters as soon as the expected effect had been achieved. “North Korea and @norcoreano claim the hacking of Filmin’s account in retaliation for the premiere of #ElInfiltrado. You have 24 hours to delete the documentary or you will receive a gift by air ”the Twitter account signed hours later, making one of the Spanish stars of this social network responsible for the acts. In this way, the streaming service confirmed that we were at all times before a commercial strategy to present a documentary that has just landed on the platform. Undoubtedly a masterstroke to give relevance to a work that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by the general public.’The Infiltrator ‘, the thriller-scented documentary about North Korea North Korea’s dictatorship remains one of the greatest social conflicts of our time:a country shrouded in absolute mystery that closes its doors to the eyes of others and, when it opens them, little or no truth has what reaches the rest of the world. Due to this, the proposal of ‘The infiltrator’ seems like one of the most notable daring of the documentary format that, from Norway, seeks to question everything that this region and those who live there affirm that it is. the secret mission of two men who, with a hidden camera, go into North Korea in order to reveal what happens in this regime. A ten-year odyssey that shows the country’s financing based on arms trafficking and drug exports; directly attacking not only Kim Jong-un and his assault on International Law, but also the facelift that the Spanish journalist Alejandro Cao de Benos has been doing for a long time. ‘The infiltrator’ has positively impacted the expert opinion and it is presented as an authentic revolution within this audiovisual genre. Given the impact that the work aims at, Filmin did not want to miss the opportunity to launch a marketing campaign that would put this piece in the focus of the web public. An innovative strategy that has been the fun of thousands of people for hours so that, in case the attractive argument of ‘The infiltrator’ awakens their interests, they do not doubt on which streaming platform they can see the premiere.

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