LivingFive benefits of meditating

Five benefits of meditating

In the last decade, several studies have analyzed the effects of meditation on our brain, but also on the heart, on the immune system, when it comes to fighting pain and even against insomnia. These are some of the most relevant.

1. Better than a nap
Bruce O’Hara, a biologist at the University of Kentucky, in 2008 subjected a series of volunteers to tests ofmental agilitybefore and after sleeping, meditating, reading and talking. Only those who had meditated improved their score (10%), while those who took a nap had the worst results.

2. In the company
In the United States, more and more companies are offering their employees free meditation classes. They ensure that in this way they not only concentrate more, but that the practice improves productivity, prevents stress and associated diseases, and reduces absenteeism.

3. Analgesic
Meditating has a powerful pain-relieving effect, even for the most novice. According to a study published last November in the journal Pain and funded by the US National Science Foundation, it is enough to practice three consecutive days for 20 minutes to notice significant relief from pain sensation 24 hours a day.

4. Against insomnia
If you spend half the night counting sheep and wake up more fatigued than when you went to sleep, meditation can help. According to a study presented at the annual Sleep 2009 conference,the quality and quantity of hours of sleep improve after two months practicing meditation. And 75% of patients can stop sleeping pills.

5. Healthy heart
People with narrowing of the coronary arteries who practice meditation reduce mortality and the risk of cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%, according to a recent study by the Medical College of Wisconsin (USA). In addition, meditating the blood pressure lowers and hypertension is prevented.


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