EntertainmentGamesForza Horizon 5 will take us to Mexico in...

Forza Horizon 5 will take us to Mexico in November with what promises to be its most exciting and impressive installment [E3 2021]

There are certain franchises that do not need a cover letter and that were expected to be present at the Microsoft conference at E3 2021. Naturally one of them was Forza and fans of the series will be happy to know that the development of Forza Horizon has been announced. 5 .

This time the new installment will be set in Mexico with open world-shaped scenarios that will look the most impressive and realistic. We can see that in a campaign that will take us through all kinds of places, passing through deserts until we reach forests with a graphic section that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Thanks to the power of the new Microsoft console, all the vehicles that we see on the screen, which will not be especially few, will be other players from all over the world against whom we will have to prove that we are the best at the wheel .

For all this and much more, it will be necessary to wait until November 9 , the day that has been chosen for Forza Horizon 5 to go on sale on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and PC, in addition to being part of Xbox Game Pass since the first day.

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