EntertainmentGamesGrounded receives the Shroom and Doom update, its largest...

Grounded receives the Shroom and Doom update, its largest expansion to date and these are all new

Grounded players can be happy to know that new adventures await them thanks to the new Shroom and Doom update . As it was already announced at E3 2021 that it would happen, it is now available for free download which in turn is the largest expansion that the game has received to date.

One of the novelties will affect mushrooms, which have always had a great presence on stage, but from now on anyone can harvest their own and turn them into construction materials. Thanks to them you can generate new items and build fortifications in the form of castles , in case someone wants to build their own fortress to protect themselves from the dangers that lurk in the surroundings.

Of course, for this to be possible it is necessary to first obtain recipes for the grinder and the oven , the two tools necessary to carry out these tasks. However, to get them you will have to access a newly opened laboratory that is not prepared to welcome intruders who try to enter it.

Therefore, new enemies will appear in the backyard to be faced, among which will be a new, more terrifying version of Broodmother , the gigantic spider that will not hesitate for a moment to catch anyone who sneaks into it with its webs. his lair. In fact, her creators consider her to be the most challenging final boss in the game today, but at least the rewards for defeating her will be very valuable.

Among other new features, some features that are highly requested by the community have been added. One of them are pets, in case someone wants to tame a creature to accompany him everywhere. It will also be possible to lie down and sit anywhere to relax and finally achievements will be added for those who want to increase their scoreboard.

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