EntertainmentGamesGet ready to celebrate 20 years of PlayStation

Get ready to celebrate 20 years of PlayStation

In just under a month it will be 20 years since the first PlayStation arrived in Japan. This means that Sony is preparing something to celebrate this event , although the only thing that has been published, for now, is a video in which we can see the evolution of the console.

It is a quick review of all the consoles that Sony has released under the PlayStation brand, as well as the most influential games that have come out and are about to come out in Japan. It is a pity that the video lacks games like ‘Crash Bandicoot’ and that some of those that appear have not reached our territory.

In any case, Europe may receive a similar video and an event may be held, but we will still have to wait. Remember that PlayStation went on sale on December 3, 1994 in Japan and did not arrive in our country until September 29, 1995 .

Via | Gematsu

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