EntertainmentGamesHalo Infinite delayed to fall 2021, but makes up...

Halo Infinite delayed to fall 2021, but makes up for it with a handful of images

343 Industries has set a date for the release of Halo Infinite. The game, which was to accompany the Xbox Series in a few weeks ago as Microsoft’s great workhorse, will finally hit stores in the fall of 2021 .

This has been communicated by Joseph Staten, creative director of the game, recognizing that they will take the necessary time to do things right , without haste and listening to the criticism generated by the demo shown last summer.

“I joined 343i just as the team was dealing with feedback from the July campaign demo. The discussion ended up leading to a fundamental truth: we need more time to get it right. That included pushing our hardest in the fall, giving Time for the team to rest at Christmas, then come back in January to finish the game at a healthy pace.

Because the arrival of Halo Infinite in fall 2021 … is just the beginning of the adventure. “

The message sent to the community also includes comments from the art team, multiplayer and a closing on what is to come in which they praise the community and recite the abc of this type of communication: the player is the important thing , honor the franchise and highlight the great change that is coming.

The message also serves to confirm that the July demo arrived without the facial animations implemented , which ended up causing good old Craig to become a meme.

These improvements will also be followed by those necessary in shadows, textures, mitigating popping and the quality of global lighting, among others . A long enough list of details to make the decision to show the game even more surprising at the time despite having so much to do.

In any case, looking back is not of much use. The important thing is to know that now they have taken the bull by the horns and in autumn 2021 we will receive the best face of Craig and, of course, also of Halo Infinite . The wait will be long, but it sure is worth it.

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