SportF1Hamilton responds to Piquet's racist comments

Hamilton responds to Piquet's racist comments

The British driver was the protagonist of the day on social networks after another F1 world champion, Nelson Piquet , used a racist expression in allusion to Lewis Hamilton when he recalled the incident that happened at the last 2021 British GP between him and Max Verstappen.

The one from Mercedes, upon learning what the Brazilian had said, responded on his Twitter account with the message “let’s focus on changing the mentality”, shortly after “imagining” what would have happened if the seven-time world champion had been the who would have wondered who Nelson Piquet was.

It is more than a language. These archaic mentalities must change and have no place in our sport,” said Hamilton. “I have been surrounded by these attitudes all my life. There has been a lot of time to learn. Now is the time to take action.”


The one from Rio de Janeiro used the word “black” in a podcast to refer to Hamilton, and although it was recorded in November of last year, just when the Englishman and Verstappen were immersed in a fierce fight for the world title, the social networks did not notice their language. Interestingly, Piquet is the Dutchman’s father-in-law, since his daughter, Kelly , is in a relationship with the reigning Red Bull world champion.

Formula 1 issued a statement on Tuesday morning in which the controversy ignited, condemning any “discriminatory or racist language in all its forms”, which “had no place in society”. In addition, they defended Hamilton explaining that “he is an incredible ambassador” of the category and that “he deserves respect”.

They were not the only ones who came out in support of the British pilot, and it is that the international federation itself published a few words on the subject on its social networks: ” The FIA condemns any racist or discriminatory language and behavior, which has no place in sport or in society at large. We express our solidarity with Lewis Hamilton and fully support his commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in motorsport.”

The Mercedes team also made a statement issuing a message similar to that of the other two bodies: “Lewis [Hamilton] has spearheaded our sport’s movements to tackle racism, and is a true champion of diversity within and without. track”.

Together, we share a vision of a diverse and inclusive motorsport, and this incident underscores the critical importance of continuing to fight for a better future.

Ferrari joined this movement on social media: “We stand with Formula 1, Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes against any form of discrimination.”

What has happened with Nelson Piquet is another unfortunate episode of racism within motorsports that comes just a few days after Juri Vips used another derogatory expression that provoked a reaction from Red Bull, the academy to which he belonged. The group of energy drinks decided to suspend his contract instantly, thus leaving the Estonian without the possibility of returning to the team, at least for the time being.

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