SportF1Hamilton reveals that Will Smith inspired him to make...

Hamilton reveals that Will Smith inspired him to make his documentary

The film King Richard, (The William ‘s Method , on the Spanish chart) made with the support of the Williams family, tells the story of how Richard Williams groomed his daughters to become tennis stars.

Will Smith, producer of the film with a BAFTA for best actor to his name, starts as the favorite to triumph again at the Academy Awards, which are held on Sunday.

Lewis Hamilton, a friend of both Smith and the Williams sisters, said he was inspired by the story of their rise to become the biggest stars in their sport, in which he says “finding obvious parallels with his own path to the top.” of motorsports with the support of his family.

“I was very fortunate to be able to talk to Serena and Venus about the whole process and how excited they were,” he said when asked about the film by

“And of course I know Will, so I’m very proud of what he’s been able to project with this film. I know he’s received awards and other things, but I was really moved by the story because I think all of us have seen it. ascend both and see their success and their trials and tribulations.

“But like all of us, we don’t always understand what it’s taken to get there. The people who put on TV probably think they’re the best, and they don’t understand the commitment and the time and the sacrifice that they have to put into it. So it’s It’s amazing that Will was able to bring it out.”

“Behind everyone who is successful there is always someone, and I feel identified because I have an incredible family, without whom I would not be here today. And I hope that at some point I can do something similar.

“I think it’s inspiring for families out there. I’m sure anyone here who has children wants the best for them, and wants to create the best opportunity and push them forward in the right way. I think it was a great display.” How can that be done.”

Actor Will Smith waves the UAE flag ahead of the start

Hamilton stressed that the documentary he is currently shooting is his priority at the moment.

“We have this documentary that we’re working on and I think you have to do everything at the right time,” he said.

“Documentary is the current goal. I think stories are there to be told. I think it’s important. I think a lot can be learned.”

“And, as I’ve mentioned, for people, if you can have a positive effect and impact, if your story can have a single positive impact on one person or one family, that would be amazing.”

“So I think one day maybe I’ll try to do the same thing, maybe. I’m really inspired by how Will did it with his team. And with those two icons, [I’m] really proud of them. So yeah, maybe one day.” .

When asked who he would like to play him in a biopic, Hamilton noted that he is already involved in a second film project involving a fictional story.

“I have no idea who I’m going to play,” he said. “I don’t know who’s out there that I’d use right now. I’d have to do some research.”

“But I’m actually going through a casting process right now for another project that I have. And it’s a pretty interesting process. It’s very exciting to read about all these different characters, people who could fit the role that the script calls for,” he added. .

“When the script is written, and they’re writing that character, finding someone to fit in and play that character is a pretty interesting process.”

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