EntertainmentMovies & TV“Hard but fair” on ARD: Bosbach recommends Laschet to...

“Hard but fair” on ARD: Bosbach recommends Laschet to behave like Habeck

On the ARD, Frank Plasberg offers a stage for discussing the Union’s K question as part of his talk “Hart aber fair”.

How do you find the best for the Chancellery? That was the question of the evening and of course Frank Plasberg, in his ARD talk “Hard but fair”, a good five months before the federal election, let go of a tip in the direction of the CDU and CSU with regard to the election of the Greens: “ Please take a look at Mr. Söder and Mr. Laschet, this is how the free choice of candidates works! ”And he is right about that.

In a time like this, which could not be more uncertain, one wishes as a voter: in his government that it puts the internal power games behind and instead cares about what its mission is: the welfare of the people. But instead of looking for sensible and quickly implementable solutions to combat the corona pandemic, the CDU and CSU are arguing about who will be the next candidate for chancellor.

“Hard but fair”: Frank Plasberg is gritting his teeth out

The Greens have proven that there is another way, and they have agreed on a candidate for chancellor without public disputes. Even the parliamentary group chairman Anton Hofreiter only seems to have found out about the decision for Annalena Baerbock at the last minute. What time he does not want to reveal to Frank Plasberg despite repeated inquiries on the show.

The guests at “hard but fair”
Anton Hofreiter Chairman of the parliamentary group The Greens
Wolfgang Bosbach Former Deputy Chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group
Kevin Kühnert Deputy Party chairman SPD
Helene Bubrowski Journalist, parliamentary correspondent FAZ
Martin Richenhagen Manager
Anna Clauss Journalist, Munich correspondent Spiegel

Of course, one then also comes to speak of the election manifesto of the Greens, which, according to FAZ correspondent Helene Bubrowski, will cause many voters in the bourgeois audience building pains due to points such as the property tax and the abolition of Hartz IV. Manager Martin Richenhagen, who was head of the agricultural machinery manufacturer AGCO until the end of 2002, also has problems with the Green election program.

Frank Plasberg gives Wolfgang Bosbach an opportunity for criticism of the Greens on ARD

He thinks it’s good that the Greens have changed the issues in politics and companies – keyword environmental protection and sustainability – but describes their current program as populist. It says “in there what everyone wants. But there is no mention of how it is paid for. ”A point that, according to Richenhagen, will lead to disputes among the Greens. The idea that the state should intervene more in the economy “he doesn’t like at all.”

To the broadcast

“Hard but fair” (ARD): Open struggle with the blacks, harmony with the Greens: How do you find the best for the Chancellery? The broadcast in the media library.

If so, it’s surprising, because less growth may be good for the environment, but not for the manager’s wallet. CDU veteran Wolfgang Bosbach asks himself in view of the Green election program what “the artist” is telling us. The fact that he is emotionally troubled by the disputes within his party can not only be seen in him. When asked how Armin Laschet should behave, Bosbach clearly says: “Like Robert Habeck.”

Markus Söder or Armin Laschet: “Hard but fair” guests weigh up opportunities in ARD

His favorite is Markus Söder, of whom photos are repeatedly faded in during the broadcast. We see Söder half-heartedly hugging a tree or standing on the cover of Focus in front of a green forest of leaves. He raises his left hand in the Star Trek salute. Next to it is a quote from the Bavarian Prime Minister: “I was never concerned with power.” Is that true?

Journalist Anna Clauss, who recently wrote a book about Söder, reports that she thought she was seeing the Titanic when she saw the cover. That would probably clarify this question. The journalist Helen Bubrowski finds it particularly interesting that Söder, with his very direct and teasing manner, has received so much approval from the population. An indication for them that there is a need in the population for “a strong man who asserts himself with brute force”.

“Hard but fair with Frank Plasberg”: No knowledge gained on the Union’s K question

Knowledge of the mission? No. It seems much more like a spectator: it seems as if a football game is being commented on and nobody is present. And so one wonders why this valuable airtime was not used for much more pressing issues such as stopping the ecological catastrophe. Or as Wolfgang Bosbach puts it so beautifully on the show in relation to the dispute over the K question: “Folks, what are you waiting for?” An appeal that his party colleagues should take to heart with regard to climate change.

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