It is rare that a dog, throughout his life, does not have to go urgently to a veterinary clinic due to some type of accident or pathology. After the appearance or presentation of an event that affects the health of the animal, we must be clear about whether what is happening to it is something manageable by humans ( first aid ) or requires the immediate intervention of the professional with all the means at his disposal (urgency). ).
It is not always easy to elucidate between the action of the person responsible or their immediate activation to go to the nearest clinic; Fortunately, the means of communication within our reach allow us, from almost any location and at any time, to get in touch with a veterinary clinic , the usual one or the one that we have located for our vacations or trips.
Being able to receive the guidance of a professional in a complex moment, in making a complex decision, can be the best thing for the integrity of our best friend.
The professional, before the story and the reception of videos, images and explanations, will be able to guide us in a possible action or, on the contrary, tell us to go to the clinic as soon as possible.
Veterinary emergencies must be taken into account whenever the animal’s condition exceeds our intervention capacity, and whenever the animal’s condition clearly indicates the need for a professional. Reality tells us that up to two thirds of emergency consultations did not require such a service.
When to take the dog to the emergency room?
To be more specific, we must keep in mind, very much in mind, the following points in order to make the right decision, although it is always better to sin by excess than by default, and to discard unnecessary “heroisms”:
- ALWAYS have the telephone number and address of the trusted veterinary clinic and the emergency clinics in the areas to which we can travel during our rest periods in the mobile agenda .
- In any circumstance that could put the animal’s health at risk, we must assess the following points:
- Is aware?
- Can you stand up?
- Does he breathe, does he have a pulse (heartbeat)?
- Wounds, bleeding, possible fractures?
- Can the animal be handled without danger to humans?
- After evaluating the points mentioned, we will act with the possible knowledge that we have, with common sense and with the help of the professional by means of a telephone call, if this is possible.
- With the animal stable, hemorrhage controlled with pressure or a tourniquet, breathing and an appreciable pulse… we will prepare to go to the clinic.
- In short, we will try to alleviate “the obvious” with the least number of actions and movements, we will try to keep the animal stable and we will move it without sudden movements and without trying to “place” or “remove” anything from its body.
The main emergencies
It is impossible in a single text to reflect the main emergencies that can affect our family canine, so we will focus on two situations that, without a doubt, will lead us to the emergency clinic:
shock (shock)
It is the response of all organic systems to an “attacking” process; In the face of aggression, an inadequate tissue reaction occurs that triggers sudden and severe depression in the animal.
Among the CAUSES of shock we have hypovolemia (decreased circulating blood – hemorrhage), trauma , infections , heat stroke, hypoglycemia (decreased blood glucose levels), heart failure , malnutrition and any failure end visceral. As you can see, the shock is produced by many causes that can happen inside or outside the home.
Among the main SYMPTOMS, and depending on the cause, we have tachycardia, weak pulse, paleness, cold extremities, …
And the TREATMENT on which the clinic will focus, and as always depending on the cause or causes, will be to ensure the supply of fluids to the body (fluid therapy) and the application of the appropriate drugs for each situation: antibiotic therapy in infections, cardiotonics and vasodilators in cardiocirculatory pathologies…
Seizures are involuntary contractions of muscles under voluntary control. From small “tics” to seizures in all organic territories.
The CAUSE of seizures are those problems that induce the spontaneous excitation of brain neurons, such as poor nutrition , parasites, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, fever, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, uremia, drugs, garbage, distemper, rabies, cerebrovascular accidents…
And the SYMPTOMS that we can appreciate are the generalized seizures that are usually associated with temporary disorientation, blindness, stumbling, as well as thirst (polydipsia) and hunger (polyphagia) after suffering from the convulsive period.
TREATMENT will depend on the cause of the seizure.
In the event of seizures, the owner can only prevent the animal from hitting objects and the ground, and immediately go to the veterinarian after the seizure.