FunHow does Christmas affect the mood?

How does Christmas affect the mood?

The modification of the sleep and meal times on holidays, the feeling of loneliness, the reactivation of previous interpersonal conflicts , sedentary lifestyle or abusive consumption of alcohol favor an increase in the incidence of depression on holidays, and especially at Christmas , as warned by health professionals. To this is added that we are living in “a time of economic difficulties that are more evident at this time,” according to Angelos Halaris (USA), a psychiatrist at Loyola University, who also warns that many traditions associated with Christmas are a emotional spur for someone who has suffered a recent loss.

According to experts, another reason why people may experience depression or emotional distress during Christmas is because these dates do not always coincide with the psychological cycles of individuals and many times they force us to participate in social dynamics of those that we do not want to be part of. And this leads to mood swings, sadness, loss of appetite or extreme voracity, changes in energy levels , difficulty concentrating, or obsessive thoughts about death. If to this is added that those who are affected by depression also suffer from work addiction, the feeling is aggravated by the lack of occupation and the feeling of emptiness.

As if that were not enough, returning to work after Christmas, if it occurs after a vacation absence of several weeks, frequently translates into post- vacation syndrome or the next day syndrome , which affects 20% of workers and causes headaches. , irritability, anxiety, etc.


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