FunNature & AnimalHow does joint custody affect a dog?

How does joint custody affect a dog?

Sharing custody of a dog can be good for people

The dogs eat and go out when we decide. Their physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs are covered only if we dedicate the necessary time to them. But the frenetic pace of our cities means that countless dogs suffer from behavioral problems related to poor management of these needs . Problems such as vocalizations or inability to be alone, which undoubtedly end up producing a tremendous physical and emotional exhaustion of the main caregiver.

If you live in a big city and you are a single “mother” or “father” of a dog, I have no doubt that you will have a professional or family member who relieves you of homework with your dog more or less frequently. Especially if he doesn’t enjoy being home alone or has a lot of energy.

It seems, then, that sharing the care, and why not, the expenses of the dog, are a good option for people.

6 tips to make joint custody good for your dog

  1. Get along
    Dogs are herd animals. They like to live as a family and do not have a good time when they feel that there is a conflict in their group. Have you ever argued with your partner and seen how your dog is affected, even if you don’t go with him?
    But, in addition, taking good care of the dog, just like the children, is a team effort . Therefore, if you do not get along properly with your ex-partner, and there is no good communication, it will be reflected in your dog .
  1. Make changes positive
    Any change will inevitably produce stress in the body. But the management that we make of this stress is going to mark the adaptation . If you make a move due to separation, try to keep your dog away from the stress of those days and when you introduce him to his new home for seasons… try to create a positive and calm association.
  1. Take care of the affective relationship with your dog
    It is very common that, faced with a divorce situation, we feel alone and disconsolate at times and we tend to protect ourselves or seek excessive affection from our dog.
    However, they don’t like hugs or kisses, and are more than just being close. When we touch our dog, we both secrete oxytocin , which is a hormone responsible for emotional bonds, but it also acts as a powerful neurotransmitter in our brain and makes us feel good. This feeling can be addictive for both of you and turn your relationship with your dog into an unhealthy hyper -attachment relationship that will lead to behavior problems.
  1. keep your routines
    Dogs need routines . Being in control of what is going to happen makes your brain happier and not continually stressed.
    Try to be consistent with your schedules and doses of food and walks.
  1. have common sense
    Never use your dog as a throwing weapon against your ex. With dogs, not everything goes. If you live in Madrid and your ex-partner moves to the Canary Islands, maybe a shared custody regime is not the most generous for the dog.
  1. train the still
    Today we know that training dogs is not only an act of responsibility that makes them smarter, but also has emotional benefits for them. Especially when we use positive reinforcement and social reinforcement.
    When we train our dog to stay still while we walk away, and even disappear from his sight, we are training him to manage our absences.

And what about the cats

For the purposes of the new law, cats follow the same pattern as dogs and are no longer considered property. For this reason, in the event of divorce, a joint custody and/or visitation regime could be given.

But, given their territorial nature and the great stress that changes cause to felines… could it be a better option for them to establish a visitation regimen, without changing homes?

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