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How to get from Rome to the shrine of Padre Pio

San Giovanni Rotondo is 180 miles east of Rome, in the Puglia region of southern Italy. See the Puglia map for its location.

How to get from Rome to the Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo by train

The train journey from Rome Termini train station to Foggia takes about 3 hours on a Freccia train or 4 1/2 to 5 on the less expensive IC trains (no connection required). As of this writing, there are 7 trains a day (weekdays) between 8am and almost midnight. There are frequent connecting buses from Foggia Train Station to San Giovanni Rotondo that take around 40 minutes.

The smaller San Severo train station is closer to San Giovanni Rotondo and also has connecting buses on weekdays, but only one on Sundays (see the schedule above). To get to San Severo from Rome, you would still take the train to Foggia, then transfer to a regional train to San Severo.

You can check the current timetables from Rome to Foggia or San Severo and the ticket prices on the Trenitalia website. People in the US may find it easier and more convenient to purchase tickets in advance through Rail Europe – go to the Rail Europe train tickets page to make reservations and purchase tickets directly.

How to get from Rome to the Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo by bus

There is an express bus service from Roma Tiburtina to San Giovanni Rotondo, which currently leaves Rome at 6:15 AM and 5:00 PM and takes 5 to 6 hours. The return departs from San Giovanni Rotondo at 5:40 AM and 5:20 PM. Be sure to check the updated bus schedule on the Ferrovie del Gargano page – click on the bus tab.

Where to stay in San Giovanni Rotondo

  • La Solaria is a 3-star hotel very close to the sanctuary with a restaurant and private parking.
  • Le Terrazze sul Gargano is within walking distance of the sanctuary and features terraces and a restaurant.
  • The Hotel Leon is a recently built and highly rated 3-star hotel with restaurant and parking, located outside the historic center. They offer a shuttle service to the sanctuary, about 2 km from the hotel.
  • Santa Lucia is an inexpensive option with 5 rooms, within walking distance of the sanctuary.
  • See more San Giovanni Rotondo hotels on TripAdvisor where you can compare hotels and find the best prices for your dates.

Information of the Sanctuary of Padre Pio and San Giovanni Rotondo

  • Information on visiting the Shrine of Padre Pio
  • The Pilgrim’s Italy: A Travel Guide to the Saints, a book on pilgrimage sites in Italy, has a chapter on Padre Pio and the new church in San Giovanni Rotondo.

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