FunNature & AnimalHow to organize a beach day with your dog

How to organize a beach day with your dog

What should I take to the beach if I take my dog:

  • Health card up to date
  • External and internal deworming daily
  • Bags to collect your stool
  • Umbrella to protect you from the sun and sun cream for dogs
  • Protective cream for pads or booties
  • Towel to rest and dry
  • Water dish and plenty of fresh water
  • His leash and harness in perfect condition
  • Buoyancy aid vest
  • A toy
  • Canine First Aid Kit
  • The phone number and address of the nearest veterinarian

Other things to keep in mind:

  1. Respect the law
    During the summer season, access times and regulations may be different from one location to another. It is best to find out about the regulations of the corresponding town hall, well in advance.
    Do not forget to bring the health card and identification of the animal, and respect the rest of the users. It is very important to immediately clean their stools as required by law.
  1. Check access to the beach
    Have you ever felt how the sand of the beach burns under the soles of your feet?
    Since our dogs don’t wear shoes! Take precautions so that they don’t burn their pads and check the path and the distance that you will have to travel until you reach the water.
  1. Ensures that you will have shade to avoid heat stroke
    Just as important as the warmth under your dog’s pads is the warmth above his head.
    They do not sweat to remove heat from their body. The only avenues of perspiration are his pads and his tongue . An insufficient surface when the mercury rises too high. Make sure there are plenty of areas on the beach and come prepared with a good umbrella.
    It is important to mention that brachycephalic dogs such as bulldogs , due to their anatomy, will be unable to dislodge a minimum of heat and their lives could be at risk if we take them to the beach during the day.
  1. Carry plenty of water and avoid dehydration
    High temperatures will demand a greater intake of water in your dog. Do not allow him to drink salt water, as this could further dehydrate him. It is recommended that you carry plenty of water and have it available for your dog . You can take, for example, a cold bottle from the fridge and a frozen one from the freezer.
  1. Dogs can drown too
    Many dogs love to swim. Never allow your dog to swim unattended. Dogs that have an anatomy with a more solid trunk, such as Labrador Retrievers, are so passionate about water that they could take risks and drown.
    There are vests that provide a small buoyancy aid , allowing you to save energy and tire a little less. These vests are especially useful for older dogs .
  1. Ensure the good behavior of your dog to avoid problems of coexistence with other users
    Remember that the beach is a shared space and the good atmosphere depends on each individual action.
    Take care that your dog does not have annoying behaviors for the rest of the people and dogs that enjoy the beach.
  2. Make sure you know how to act in an emergency to avoid greater evils
    As we have mentioned, the beach is not without risks for our dogs:
    1. The dangers of sand: it can burn your dog’s pads , simply because it is too hot. But also if you are one of those who likes to scratch and make holes , abrasions may appear. Ingesting sand can also cause fatal blockages in your digestive system.
    2. The dangers of water: a dog can drown just like a person. You can also become dehydrated if you drink sea water.
    3. The dangers of the sun: keep in mind that the sun brings many dangers for people, when it is taken without protection or is in its central hours. Not only is it possible for your dog to suffer from heat stroke , but many dogs today have problems with allergies and sunburn on their skin. This is common in short-haired white dogs. Check with your veterinarian if you need to apply a specific sunscreen for dogs .
    4. The dangers of play: a dog that plays is a happy dog. You can also have an incident, be hit or injured. Have the telephone number and location of a nearby veterinarian at hand.


Map of Spain with current beaches for dogs


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