LivingHow to recognize a psychopath

How to recognize a psychopath

The seventh art and also literature have been responsible for presenting the figure of the psychopath as an evil, alienated and Machiavellian being. But are they really like that? Are they malicious and mean people? The specialist in psychology at Centro Hernández Psicólogos Alejandra Hernández Gil, exposes in this interview the details about the character of the psychopath, the causes of psychopathy and its treatment.

What is a psychopath?

He is characterized by the impossibility of creating affective relationships among his environment and of feeling remorse in situations in which they are expected to feel it. They look at human beings as things or objects to achieve their goals.

Could we recognize someone in our environment as a psychopath?

They are nice people, with a very convincing speech. They have a manipulable demeanor and lie easily in order to get what they want. They do not feel remorse or guilt. Also, they are impulsive people. They do not react correctly to situations that generate fear and do not recognize the feeling of fear in other people.

How many people suffer from psychopathy?

It is estimated that 1 or 2% in society, according to calculations by the World Health Organization.

Where are you from?

Most specialists agree that psychopathy is of genetic origin . There is a lack of connection between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (little development of the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling impulses and emotions).

Which people are most likely to become psychopaths?

Despite the large body of general research on psychopathy, there is no explanatory model that accounts for all the behavioral and personality characteristics associated with this phenomenon.

The most effective treatments for psychopathy?

Treating psychopathy is difficult, some professionals believe that it is a non-treatable disorder. One of the most widely used treatments is training in the affective field, where they learn to put themselves in the other’s situation. In this way they will understand what you feel, thus developing emotional and empathy skills. They are also trained to establish and maintain healthy and lasting social relationships. Positive visualization and relaxation techniques help them control the internal tension that guides them toward seeking satisfaction from their impulses.

It exists in the popular belief that the psychopath is a bad person. What is true about that?

Many of the characteristics that are important for the inhibition of violent and antisocial behaviors (empathy, ability to establish deep bonds, regret …), are greatly diminished or absent in psychopaths.

How then do we remove the stigma of psychopathy?

In television, cinema and literature everything is more spectacular. Therefore, the characters we see or read are created with that show in mind. There are psychopaths who are not violent and are not a danger. The way to destigmatize psychopathy is to know more about it, so that the population has more information through television programs, education and the news.

Is it possible to live with a psychopath?

Relating to a psychopath is complicated, it is usually a relationship with a tendency to destruction. The best way to relate to that person is to detect it and assess how far we are willing to go. Zero contact or in cases where it is impossible, minimal contact.

By Dña. Alejandra Hernández Gil, member of Saluspot and specialist in psychology at Centro Hernández Psicólogos.

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