Living"If Babies Had Teeth", the hilarious (and slightly disturbing)...

"If Babies Had Teeth", the hilarious (and slightly disturbing) edited photos of newborn babies

We all know that baby teeth appear as they develop, and the teething process begins with the emergence of the first tooth, which usually erupts between the sixth and eighth months of life. But have you ever wondered what babies would look like if they were already born with teeth?

A baby photographer decided to find out and make us all laugh and impress by editing some pictures she has taken as newborns, to show us what babies would look like if they had teeth from birth .

Amy Haehl is the owner of the Coffee Creek photography studio, specializing in wedding and baby photography. His photographs usually capture that innocence and delicacy typical of newborns, showing us how beautiful they are during that short stage .

However, he recently decided to do a little experiment and put a fun twist on the photographs he has taken , and it solved a question that perhaps some of us have asked ourselves at some point: what would babies look like if they were born with teeth?

Through a post on her Facebook page, Amy shared the result of her editing work in a photo album titled “If Babies Had Teeth” with the following message:

OMG guys … I decided to have a little fun and put teeth on the babies. HAHAHAHA I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I could go back and do this with every single baby that has been through my study. I can not. Let. Of laughing. So I thought I’d share it so you guys could laugh too!

* I have spoken with the parents of each of these babies about the use of their photograph.

The photographs quickly went viral because it is very funny to be able to see what the photographs of babies would be like if they were born with full teeth , although we must admit that, although we have been very funny, they have also left us impressed (and according to some comments slightly disturbed).

Besides making us laugh, these photographs have made us realize something: the element of “cuteness” would be lost if babies were born with full dentures . It’s good that babies are born without teeth and they sprout little by little as they grow.

Photos | Coffee Creek Studio (reproduced with permission)
Via | Cafe Mom

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