EntertainmentGamesImmortals Fenyx Rising changes the Greek gods for the...

Immortals Fenyx Rising changes the Greek gods for the Chinese in an adventure with more news and hours than expected

It was something to take into account for years, but Ubisoft once again shows that the idea of leaving no one behind can have great results. With Immortals Fenyx Rising, a game that by the mere fact of being an open world could have shelved its history and left 100% for those who wanted to go further, they have more than demonstrated it.

The intention of making the life of their games reach beyond the launch week is re-materialized with Myths of the Eastern Kingdom , the new DLC of Immortals Fenyx Rising that takes us to a new scenario with another story, characters, mechanics and challenges.

One more excuse to keep playing

In my head, Myths of the Eastern Kingdom was aimed at being a much smaller content. An idea broken by a story short enough to be completed in an afternoon, but with an endgame just as addictive as in the original campaign.

With a reuse culture that makes it awfully easy to recognize enemy attack patterns and aesthetics, in any other game this might sound like a negative, but surprisingly you don’t end up with that taste in your mouth.

The truth is that ideas like this turn out to be a lesson in how to extend the life of the game without having to invest a lot in a new development or, even worse for us, cut content that they sell or give you afterwards.

Although it is true that you have a short campaign, a map that could be considered a quarter of the one seen in the main story, and a character with identical abilities except for a couple of novelties that amplify two of the powers, the mere idea of enjoying it again of the game with a different aesthetic and mythology tastes like a gift .

More news than I expected

Swapping the Greek gods for the Chinese, Myths of the Eastern Kingdom is the flip side of Immortals Fenyx Rising’s DLC strategy.

If in A New God the thing was focused on the rooms with physics puzzles and speed tests, in this one that aspect is left aside to focus everything on exploring the scenario, solving puzzles hidden by the world and continuing the campaign unveiling new areas of the map.

Something like a pocket Immortals Fenyx Rising that will delight those who enjoy climbing to the top of a mountain to try to guess which cave holds the next set of armor. A great way to keep exploiting the most adventurous branch of the game.

With some additions in the form of new mechanics such as a type of puzzle in which to turn panels based on shots with the arrow, clouds that teleport you until you hit a wall and disappear, and puzzles based on wind, the truth is that The only bad thing that could be put in the face of Myths of the Eastern Kingdom is not to have delved deeper into Chinese mythology.

His story, his worst face

The secondary ones are the fair ones and, although the cinematics and scheme of the story remain the same, something more chicha is missing and, above all, the return of that acid sense of humor that the main adventure showed.

There is a certain intention to be respectful of that culture, but it was not the game to focus on that. Not after laughing in the face of the absurdity surrounding religions old and new for a good handful of hours.

Either you make me interested in those gods or you invite me to laugh at / with them, but falling into a flat story is far from ideal. Only some of the final bosses, due to the spectacular nature of their designs, have been able to impress me and invite me to search the internet to try to know more about them.

In any case, the sensations are the ones we mentioned before. Good, but not fascinating, resulting in a more but not better that, frankly, is not bad for a game in which I have already invested dozens of hours.

Let’s say that at a banquet, no one will be surprised that you can order another dish. The point is that you don’t do it here because you’ve been hungry, but because it’s so delicious that you can’t wait to stop eating.

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