FunIs the use of contraceptives a human right?

Is the use of contraceptives a human right?

According to the World Health Organization, sexual and reproductive health care, including family planning information and services, is recognized not only as a key intervention to improve the health of women and children, but also as a human right.

The importance of reproductive health has generated a large number of legal texts in international law aimed at the recognition by a large majority of countries of people's sexual and reproductive rights. The 1995 Beijing Platform for Action states: “Reproductive rights comprise certain human rights already recognized in national laws, international human rights documents and other related consensus documents. They are based on the recognition of the basic right of all couples to freely and responsibly decide the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to do so , and the right to achieve the best standard of sexual and reproductive health. It also includes their right to make decisions regarding reproduction without suffering discrimination, coercion or violence, in accordance with the provisions of human rights documents. "

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