SportMotoGPJoan Mir: "A podium would be a good result,...

Joan Mir: "A podium would be a good result, maybe third"

Jerez.- The Suzuki rider was unable to capture the speed he had shown in practice with a good classification and a braking error took him to the ground. Before that, the Mallorcan showed that he has a very good pace, comparable to that of the big favorites, Fabio Quartararo and Pecco Bagnaia, who will start from the front row alongside Aleix Espargaró.

“I’m satisfied with the work but I’m not happy, things didn’t turn out the way I thought, the potential was much higher. A little calmer I would have dropped two tenths, but I wanted to attack a lot and I crashed, it could happen, but with a tenth more I was in the second row and I think I had it.”

On Friday, talking to Mir, we discussed how critical the front tire is, which is unforgiving.

“The hard compound gives you more stability under braking but at maximum angle it has less grip than a softer rubber, straight ahead it stopped well, but I entered the corner with a lot of brake and these are the downfalls of this tire”.

Another important factor is that it is getting hotter and hotter in Jerez and that can condition the race.

“It doesn’t matter to us, if I can choose I prefer a cooler race, which gives us more grip and we can defend ourselves better, but if the heat rises there may be more surprises and that can go well for us. Overtaking on this track is very complicated, there are You have to take advantage of the start and the first two laps, then you have to see at the end of the race what people will drop the tire, but not [it will be] everyone, we can’t rely on that”.

They start first and second on the grid and with a great pace, it seems that they have something more Pecco Bagnaia and Fabio Quartararo.

“With new rubber they do very good first laps, but then we are quite close, let’s see if I can get out well and I don’t lose much time at the beginning of the race, let’s see if I can push forward”.

Lastly, Mir gave his forecast as to what would be a good result for tomorrow.

“Tomorrow a podium would be a good result, maybe third.”

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Braking was tricky

Apart from that, everything worked like a picture book for the railway world record in Switzerland
