SportMotoGPKTM infuriates Oliveira by offering to return to Tech3

KTM infuriates Oliveira by offering to return to Tech3

Those responsible for KTM admitted this Friday in Mugello that they had held an “internal” meeting with the official factory team rider Miguel Oliveira, whom he had “informed” about the possibility that he would have to return to the Tech3 satellite formation, in the who was already there since his debut in MotoGP, in 2019, and until the departure of Pol Espargaró to Honda, taking his place in the first team, in 2021.

Pit Beirer, responsible for Motorsport at KTM acknowledged that this conversation had existed and that, in principle, it was for internal consumption, admitting that the proposal had not been accepted by Oliveira in the best way, in fact it made the Portuguese rider quite angry, completely determined to look for the future outside of KTM.

At the end of the first day of the Italian Grand Prix, Oliveira admitted that such a possibility had been raised with him, something that did not excite him.

“This was something that was offered to me this week,” he said of returning to Tech3. “I will consider it, but it would not be the place of my dreams,” he said in reference to returning to Hervé Poncharal’s team.

“We have several options for the future. Now there are many drivers and few places, the grid is now very competitive, we have to look at things calmly,” he added.

Beirer, in conversation with championship television, wanted to leave things a bit up in the air.

“Miguel was caught by surprise by the question because we have discussed it internally and it is not true that it is confirmed that he will go to Tech3,” he introduced.

“But I told him that we’re talking to other drivers and we want to have the freedom, later this year, to decide where each driver will race. So there’s a chance it could be passed to Tech3. That’s all I told him. I told him to be aware of this and that I don’t want to use an option (in the contract) for him to stay.”

The KTM executive did not want to give names or hint with whom he is negotiating, although it is no secret that his first option to accompany Brad Binder in the first team is the Australian Jack Miller, who will leave Ducati.

The Austrian brand is also attentive to Pol Espargaró, who after two years at Honda has a hard time staying there, although that option is still far from confirmed.

Beirer insisted that “we want (Oliveira) to remain a KTM guy, but he must be open to being in either team. I know he was not very happy with that information, but on the other hand I got a good response from him. saying that he wants to continue being a KTM rider”, a statement that the Portuguese did not confirm at any time, waiting to have a clearer picture of the rider market, right now in full swing.

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