SportMotoGPKTM takes Bastianini's track engineer from Ducati

KTM takes Bastianini's track engineer from Ducati

As has learned, Giribuola will occupy a coordinating position for the technical managers at the Austrian brand, immersed as it is in a process of recruiting key elements, especially in relation to aerodynamics and tire degradation. In this sense, another of KTM’s targets is Cristhian Pupulin, who works alongside Jack Miller, and who has an offer to follow the Australian to the official team, where he will share a workshop with Brad Binder.

It so happens that ‘Pigiamino’, a nickname that Piero Cagni, a historic Ducati mechanic, gave Giribuola as soon as he landed at Ducati (2008), is a true master in the analysis and forecasting of the behavior of compounds , as Bastianini has made clear since competing in MotoGP.

Last Friday, Ducati announced that Bastianini had been chosen ahead of Jorge Martín, to accompany Pecco Bagnaia in the official team of the Bologna brand, with a view to 2023. Just a few days later, in Misano, Giribuola informed his bosses his intention not to renew his contract, having committed to KTM.

“Alberto is a very important person for me, because he has a lot of experience from having worked with Dovizioso. But I don’t know what will happen,” Bastianini replied, this Thursday, when asked who would command his side of the garage.

From the Borgo Panigale company they still do not give an answer to the question of who will accompany the ‘Beast’ when he puts on the red jumpsuit.

This maneuver, moreover, confirms the intentions of the manufacturer from Mattighofen, who, in the mouth of Stefan Pierer, his CEO, acknowledged a few days ago to that his priority was to sign specialists in the areas of aerodynamics and of tire degradation, something that has brought a lot of revenue to Aprilia, which hired personnel with experience in Formula 1.

Pierer said a couple of weeks ago that KTM was going to hire Red Bull aerodynamics engineers, and Giribuola’s arrival will surely allow the orange bike manufacturer to take a step forward in tire management as well.

Aside from the riders, this is the last of the technical market that is known, after the confirmation of the hiring of José Manuel Cazeaux, Alex Rins’ current track engineer, by Aprilia, where he will remain on the side from the workshop of Maverick Viñales.


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