FunNature & AnimalLies you still believe about dogs

Lies you still believe about dogs

We all have, more or less clearly, the certainty that a message issued by an interlocutor, valid or not, can be transmitted at the speed of gunpowder and penetrate deeply into the brains of the recipients.

The non-validation of the information, the non-use of professional, qualified channels, causes a person without time, interest, or capacity to assume any type of statement as true.

Regarding the care, possession, responsibility of a non-rational living being in the home, we continue to live with lies , distortion of reality, which in the medium or long term can be more or less dangerous for the quality of life and health. of our suffering companions.

Dogs need large spaces to be happy

There are many people who continue to argue that a family dog should never reside in a flat. The main recipients of such an absurd statement are large dogs, greyhounds, hunting breeds

According to the false truth that swarms through networks and parks, a dog must have unlimited space in which it can do whatever it wants, develop its instincts fully and unhindered, or, on the contrary, it will suffer a life of solace boredom and unfair confinement.

The dog is a group animal, a group animal…

For this reason, the dog enjoys the company of other living beings, of its own or a different species, with which it has been properly socialized. Possession of a large area for the animal does not make full sense without coexistence with other living beings with which to fully interact.

How many dogs spend their lives in large “prisons”, extensive farms with a supposed purpose of guarding and protection (many tied to a chain for life), parcels of chalets without any type of stimulus, beyond searching, rummaging, sniffing , dig through the beautiful flower beds and the fun networks of irrigation pipes?

In order to realize how wonderful, necessary and rewarding this situation is, some specialists suggest that we spend an indefinite period of time in an empty room… empty.

How long would a human being last in those conditions? Would you fully satisfy your innate needs even with food and water available?

A dog needs socialization, guidelines, routines and company, but not space.

The space is provided with the appropriate walks, in time and form, a few moments of the day in which the animal enjoys perceiving smells , interacting with other living beings and environments , and, most importantly, accompanied by its, or its friends from two paws.

If the animal enjoys its leisure time properly, the home will be a rest area, a feeding area, a quiet area.

Any dog, of any size and characteristic, can enjoy a full life in a 40-meter apartment, to give a simple and clear example.

Mixed dogs have better health and are more intelligent

All dogs, with or without breed, have THEIR health reality and THEIR “intellectual” reality .

Dog breeds, as we know them today, are the result of crossings marked by humans to achieve a certain function.

In the search for such characteristics, certain skills and capacities are enhanced, while others are ignored.

This simple reality makes purebred animals “specialists” in certain functions, not with the rest of the canine abilities cancelled, but less enhanced.

In the case of the mestizos, we find a genetic variability that arises from the chance of crossings, a chance that does not enhance what the human seeks, since it does not generally intervene, and that is the result of genetic randomness and the evolutionary capacity of the species.

A mestizo is an individual with a number of capacities that are more “open” than those of a breed specimen, and, if we add to this the fact that many of the mestizo animals have come to our homes after difficult experiences , we can point to the credit learning from that previous life, something very important for their future decision-making, actions and behaviors.

In terms of health, it would be a bit the same: specialization causes greater pressure and the possibility of suffering from certain diseases, something that, as we have already mentioned, will not happen in those who have come into the world as a result of chance and selection without human pressure.

There are many more falsehoods that surround the wonderful world of the family dog par excellence, to avoid any error that may lead to behavioral or physical problems, let’s go to professional, verified sources, and, the most appropriate thing is to fully trust in the advice of your health professional, your veterinarian.

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