SportF1Magnussen defends himself against Pérez's accusations in Hungary

Magnussen defends himself against Pérez's accusations in Hungary

Sergio Pérez was eliminated in Q2 of this Saturday’s classification at the Hungaroring circuit after being affected by a bad decision by the stewards regarding the track limits and later when he ran into Kevin Magnussen’s Haas on his last lap fast.

Initially, the driver from Guadalajara set a 1:18.516 lap in the first part of Q2, but was removed by race direction for allegedly exceeding track limits at the exit of Turn 5.

And while that record was returned to the timesheets minutes later, that obviously made the run of the session that much more complicated for Perez . On his second and final attempt, the Mexican was unable to improve his time as he ran into Magnussen at Turn 2.

Finally, the Red Bull driver finished in 11th position and was unable to access the last and final Q3, describing his day as “very unlucky”.

The Danish driver, who finished two places behind the Mexican in 13th place, explained what happened and gave his point of view on that controversial moment, after the driver from Guadalajara blamed him for his elimination in Q2.

“They warned me when he was about a second and a half behind me, and then I went to the left as far as I could, even got up on the grass a little bit to try to get out of his way. But I think he thinks that I hurt him or something. But I did my best.”

In reference to whether Pérez had said something to him once qualifying was over, Magnussen clarified that it was he who approached him to apologize.

“No, I went to him, because I saw that he passed quite close to me, but at that moment I thought that he had gotten me out of the way in a fairly decent way, but I went and said: ‘I’m sorry, friend,'” the pilot concluded. Haas Danish.

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