EntertainmentMovies & TVMarkus Lanz (ZDF): "What a nonsense!" Ramsauer freely railed...

Markus Lanz (ZDF): "What a nonsense!" Ramsauer freely railed against the Corona emergency brake

The ZDF talk show Markus Lanz is about the Infection Protection Act and the night of the decision on the K question.

Before Markus Lanz wanted to review that Sunday evening at the CDU headquarters in Berlin when the candidate for chancellor was decided, he asked Paul Ziemiak again how it could take until the Infection Protection Act came into force. And he recalled Angela Merkel’s statement on the Anne Will talk show on March 28, 2021 that she did not want to watch all of this for two more weeks.

Ziemiak said, “It is important that we have this law now.” That sounded like those annoying statements from football players after a lost game: “We have to look to the future and move on.”

Markus Lanz (ZDF): The guests and their opinions

  • A party that falls below 30% is in the death zone (Eva Quadbeck)
  • Armin Laschet has sources of strength that can really bubble (Karl-Rudolf Korte)
  • The saving bank is in sight in view of the vaccinations, but politics is still pirouettes (Thorsten Lehr)

ZDF talk show by Markus Lanz: Peter Ramsauer is angry

Prof. Lehr was also amazed that since the easing began at the beginning of March, it is more about election campaigns than about fighting pandemics and politics simply ignoring the growth in infection cases and incidence figures: “And now we are seeing the result of doing nothing!”

Peter Ramsauer frankly admitted that he voted against the Infection Act as one of 21 CDU and CSU colleagues in the Bundestag. “If so much massive pressure hadn’t been exerted, it would have been a lot more!” When Markus Lanz asked who had actually exerted pressure on the MPs, he didn’t really want to use the language and was angry about the statement of his parliamentary group leader that you have to agree to the Infection Protection Act in order to vote for life: “To blame me for voting against life with my” No “- what nonsense!”

Markus Lanz (ZDF): Guests of the talk show

Eva Quadbeck Journalist from the “editorial network Germany”
Peter Ramsauer CSU member of the Bundestag and former Federal Minister of Transport and CSU Vice
Karl-Rudolf Korte Party researcher political scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Thorsten Lehr Pharmacist at Saarland University
Connected: Paul Ziemiak CDU General Secretary

And then Ramsauer explained the connection between tests and incidence numbers using examples from Upper Bavarian districts: “They let the incidence value ‘lag’, it has to be created somehow differently.” Prof. Lehr agreed with him that after vaccinating over 80-year-olds and the increase Younger Covid patients, who have a longer hospital stay but also a higher chance of survival, have to be rethought.

Markus Lanz (ZDF): Ramsauer is annoyed again

Eva Quadbeck welcomed the signal sent by the curfew of the Infection Act, but criticized the communication of politics: “You have to debate how we can get the numbers down – and not make moral reproaches. That is really over the subject! “

Prof. Korte would like to be able to hear not only the incidence values but also the freedom values in the evening: “There is no such thing as one recipe. We have no prerogative for health in the Basic Law. ”Eva Quadbeck once again vented her anger over the dispute over the curfew. It has been known for weeks that it is needed, but there is still discussion: “If we had put it in five weeks ago, we would be out again now.”

Ramsauer and Ziemiak incense each other at Markus Lanz (ZDF)

When Markus Lanz then asked Paul Ziemiak whether he was being put under pressure during the vote, one heard from the off Ramsauer (“He was the trigger himself”) what Ziemiak took with humor and regretted that Laschet’s proposal for a bridge lockdown was rejected has been.

In this context, Ramsauer reminded once again that the federal states had every opportunity to pull the emergency brake long ago and was annoyed that they had not realized their federal strength. “That was an oath of revelation from the federal states,” agreed Quadbeck and Lehr recalled the successful lockdown in Hamburg and the confusion among the population about the different measures in the federal states.

Ramsauer and Ziemiak did not respond to the well-rehearsed interview by Armin Laschet, in which he answered the question of whether the new incidence number 165 was completely out of thin air with a clear and honest “yes” and regretted the slowness of the decision-making process like on Quadbeck’s interjection (“it was faster to rescue the euro”) and preferred to cheer each other for their “speed”.

Prof. Lehr was cautiously optimistic about the future due to the progress in vaccination, but warned global concepts: “Otherwise we will have to live with it, as with influenza.”

And then Markus Lanz (ZDF) also talks about Markus Söder

For Markus Lanz this is the starting point for his obviously favorite topic of the evening and his question to Paul Ziemiak: “Does the CDU also need a new concept to get Markus Söder under control?” described acting of the past nine days as “normal democratic play” and described it as transparent.

Eva Quadbeck vehemently disagreed and missed predetermined rules. She sees the Union looking into the abyss and burdened with a heavy mortgage for the election campaign, for which there is neither a program nor people to advance. For Korte, too, the union is completely blank after 16 years of ruling and is about to split up the two sister parties: “The CSU can assassinate” is his experience from the history of the party and its dealings with the chairman.

When Markus Lanz asked Ziemiak “If Söder is the Chancellor of hearts, what is Armin Laschet?” Ziemiak countered with “The Chancellor with a big heart”. Eva Quadbeck found this statement by CSU General Secretary Blume about Söder’s withdrawal downright perfidious, as this symbol-laden reference to the unjustly treated Lady D. is diametrically opposed to the promise to support Armin Laschet from now on.

Missed the program?

You can watch Markus Lanz’s TV talk in the ZDF media library.

Paul Ziemiak answers evasively in Markus Lanz’s ZDF talk show

Ramsauer’s objection that it was “the last gibberish” cannot be taken seriously. Just as little as Ziemiak’s fumbling around at the gathering of some CDU / CSU grandees, to which the parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus was not invited: “I was not responsible for the invitation”.

Ziemiak also replied evasively to the content of the conversation between Schäuble, Laschet and Söder, while Quadbeck claims to have heard from reliable sources that the Union has unpacked the “torture tools” and clearly communicated that it does not support Söder.

Prof. Korte then summed it up again: “The question is, does the little sister practically want to blackmail the older sister, force who becomes a candidate? Had it been more diplomatic and with a plan, you might have succeeded. In this constellation of an almost populist blackmail situation, the CDU had no other chance out of self-respect. That was wrong in terms of power politics! “

At the end of the ZDF talk show Markus Lanz, at least the photo of Merkel and Baerbock remains

The round ends with an outlook on the electoral chances of the Union, which, according to Eva Quadbeck, lags far behind its claim to be “younger, more feminine and more digital”. And with a memorable photo of Angela Merkel and Annalena Baerbock, in which the Chancellor looks at the new MP as emphatically as if she wanted to say: “I would like her to be my successor.” (Rolf-Ruediger Hamacher)

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