SportMotoGPMárquez gets back on a motorcycle and Honda awaits...

Márquez gets back on a motorcycle and Honda awaits him in Sepang

Marc Márquez was injured at the end of October while training on a dirt bike, suffering a blow to the head that led to an eye injury. Since then, the news about the progress in the evolution of the driver, who missed the last two grands prix of last year and the Jerez test, vital for the development of the 2022 prototype, has been trickle down.

This Thursday, Honda reported that the recovery is on the right track and that it hopes to be able to count on the rider for the first tests of the preseason, which will take place in Sepang on February 5 and 6 next.


” Marc Márquez underwent a medical check-up with Dr. Sánchez Dalmau last Monday to analyze the situation of his diplopia. The ophthalmologist confirmed a clear improvement in the vision of the eight-time World Champion.

This evolution meant that the Repsol Honda team rider received authorization to train on a motorcycle and the discipline that Marc chose was motocross. The Spanish rider got on a motorcycle yesterday three months later at the Ponts circuit (Lleida) where, after completing several tasks, the sensations were positive.

The next step for Márquez will be to train on a speed circuit,” says the Honda statement.

Márquez missed the 2021 preseason due to the serious injury to his right arm he suffered in the first race of 2020, in Jerez, which forced him to undergo surgery three times. After reappearing in Portugal , in mid-April, the Honda rider dragged discomfort throughout the course, until a fall while training on October 31 caused diplopia (double vision) in his right eye, which has put his participation in danger , again, in the development of the bike during the 2022 pre-season, just when the manufacturers have managed to get rid of the engine freeze due to the pandemic.


Honda will present the livery for next season’s bike, with Márquez and Pol Espargaró, on February 8, when the teams are already traveling to Indonesia to face the second and final test of the preseason at the new Mandalika circuit , on February 11 to 13.

The official season will kick off with the Qatar Grand Prix, which will be held from March 4 to 6 in Losail.

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