SportMotoGPMárquez warns Honda: "You can't win every race"

Márquez warns Honda: "You can't win every race"

During 2021, the Repsol Honda Team put on the table the foundations of a different concept of its Honda RC213V. In addition to a groundbreaking design and new updates, the 2022 prototype would have more grip in the rear.

During the first three rounds of the year, the Honda has undergone analysis, and Marc Márquez showed its potential with his latest comeback at the Grand Prix of the Americas. However, while its drivers continue the adaptation process, the golden wing brand needs to work on its weak points if it wants to fight for the podium in European races.

“The bike is the opposite of last year’s. We have to understand the right path”, introduced the rider from Cervera.

“I already told Honda what they need to work on if we want to be competitive in the next few races. It’s true that Pol [Espargaró] is doing well on some tracks.”

“[Takaaki] Nakagami is also doing well on certain circuits. But we still have some weaknesses,” he confirmed.

The last time Marc raced in Austin was last October, so last weekend was a good opportunity to compare the old setup with the new one.

“After trying things in Austin I said: ‘This is the way’ and we have to move on.”

“Now we have to understand our level on the European circuits. I don’t think we can fight for victory in every race. But it was important to see exactly the weaknesses of the bike on a circuit that I know very well.”

At this point, the question arises as to which of the upcoming races could be difficult for Honda.

“You can’t predict a Grand Prix,” Márquez ruled out. “You can’t come to a Grand Prix and say ‘I’m going to win it’ and finish it in the top five.

“You don’t know. But of course I’ll take the risks. The goal is to be on the podium in every race. But right now is not the time to fight for the podium,” he concluded.

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