EntertainmentGamesMeet Aiden, the superhero forcibly in the Dying Light...

Meet Aiden, the superhero forcibly in the Dying Light 2 apocalypse Stay Human [E3 2021]

Survival, zombies and video games are a winning combination, and if we take it to the first person and add generous doses of action and two good parkour tablespoons, the equation gives us Dying Light 2 Stay Human, one of the games called to put the finishing touch to a 2021 that is loaded with powerful launches.

From the hand of Piotr Szymanek , and on the occasion of the PC Gaming Show E3 2021, we have been able to know more and better the universe of the game. A dystopia in which the survivors live on rooftops and the living dead have reclaimed everything that is on the ground. Something that Aiden , the character that will be at our disposal, does not seem to take too much into account.

Aiden was one of the many children who have been used to experiment during the debacle of humanity and, at the same time, an unknown for the player himself. In a way, her story is the puzzle to be solved throughout Dying Light 2 Stay Human , and the key to solving it is her sister Mia.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the experiments he underwent endowed him with exceptional abilities. A curse with interesting possibilities and, at the same time, an unexpected opportunity for humanity itself.

Precisely, the game will start in the year 2036, the moment in which Aiden finds the first clue that can lead him to Mia, and the beginning of a series of misfortunes that will test his ability to adapt and survive, as well as his ability and creativity when dispatching the living dead with their powers.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human will be released on PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and PC on December 7, 2021 and through three different editions, including a Collector’s Edition packed with physical extras and its de rigueur statue. . Watching the game in motion, it will be necessary to study which of the three to bet on.

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