SportF1Mercedes' biggest challenge since returning to F1 in 2010

Mercedes' biggest challenge since returning to F1 in 2010

The name of Mercedes has been constantly linked to the highest category of motorsport during the last decades, initially as a motorcyclist and since 2010 as a racing team, something that they had already done in the past, specifically in 1954 and 1955.

Although it is true that the Germans achieved very good results in that first stage, with nine victories and 17 podiums in 12 grand prix, the top management of Mercedes decided to disappear from the motorsport scene and the Formula 1 team could not continue.

Several decades later, the company decided to return to the motor world and also to F1 , although they did not do it as a team, but as a motorcyclist, again reaping great successes and even marking several eras.

For 2010, Mercedes saw the perfect opportunity to come back as a team and in November 2009 they announced the acquisition of the Brawn GP team, the structure that had just won the championship in a totally surprising way.

With a good base and a propellant that they had developed themselves for many years, the beginnings of the German team were simpler than might be expected when a team lands in a category as demanding as Formula 1 .

An example of his instant performance were the two podium finishes achieved in the third and fourth races of the 2010 season, both led by Nico Rosberg, a driver who a few years later, in 2016, would be crowned world champion together with the German team. .

Before starting to sweep in 2014 with the regulatory change that affected both the single-seaters and the power units, Mercedes finished fourth twice (2010 and 2011), fifth (2012) and second (2013), letting itself be seen already assiduously in the high positions of the grill.

From 2014 to 2021, the story is told fast. Removing specific moments from Ferrari that made life difficult for Mercedes and the battle last season in which Red Bull stole its first title in eight years from the German team (the one for drivers with Max Verstappen), the rest was a real triumphant ride with many victories, podiums and records.

However, just as a change in the rules catapulted him to success in 2014, it seems that another change in the regulations, that of this 2022, has taken away that dominance that until a few months ago seemed to be practically indestructible.

The new ground effect cars have meant a great change in the life of Mercedes in F1, going from being the great reference to being one of the pursuers, a situation to which they are not at all accustomed and that in just two races (Bahrain and Saudi Arabia) has shown great weaknesses in a W13 that not only cannot compete with Ferrari and Red Bull , but cannot even come close.

Taking into account the characteristics of the new regulation, which has as one of its main objectives to match the performance of the entire grid, the development of each team could make a difference in this 2022 and also in the coming years.

If leading and staying ahead of a category like F1 is complicated, trying to catch up with the teams ahead is even more so and, if you’re used to being the benchmark, even more so.

Lewis Hamilton and George Russell will be in charge of transmitting their feelings to the team and also assessing what is best for the team, so if they are faster than their rivals, that could tip the balance in their favor and, who knows, maybe they will return to the top of the grid. Obviously it will also depend on what they do in the factory, now also with fewer possibilities due to the budget cap.

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