FunMineral oil: Find out what it is

Mineral oil: Find out what it is

It is likely that, if you are interested in alternatives to many of the products that we use daily, you have ever heard about mineral oil , the element on which we are going to stop to know both its definition and applications.

In general terms, we can say that mineral oil is one of the ingredients that has gained more space in recent times in the cosmetic industry, without losing sight of its use in medicine and in other sectors that value its properties .

Paradoxically, until a few years ago, it was the subject of all kinds of urban myths and legends that indicated that it was a product with various negative effects.

The main advantage of using mineral oil on the human body, and therefore the aesthetics, are the levels of hydration that are achieved when incorporating it into any treatment, making even the driest skin look young and healthy, and no longer older and damaged.

But, as if that weren’t enough, it offers other key benefits :

  • Reduces inflammatory problems suffered by the skin and accelerates its recovery
  • Protects the skin from the appearance of diseases such as psoriasis and dandruff
  • Prevents dry skin pictures, collaborating with its moisture
  • Works as an effective and natural makeup remover
  • Improves the appearance of hair and its ends

Types of mineral oil

Now, it is important to clarify that there are different types of mineral oil and that, according to the intended use of it, it will be convenient to opt for one or the other.

We can distinguish, in this way, paraffinic oils, aromatic oils, naphthenic oils , etc. Each one has its own qualities, so you should find out about them before choosing one.

Uses of mineral oil

Cosmetic for the foot l: this is the most frequent use of mineral oil, and it consists of a purified version of it, with a solid or semi-solid consistency, in creams, softeners or moisturizers . You will see it frequently.

In industry and science : Mineral oil is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, as well as perfectly isolating air and moisture , which is why it is common in industries and sciences.

Covering kitchen utensils : surely some of the utensils that you have in your kitchen are covered with this type of oil, which takes care of the wood from daily handling, to make it durable.

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