SportMotoGPMir: "I can't be in those positions"

Mir: "I can't be in those positions"

Since the Japanese brand announced that at the end of this course it would close its MotoGP division, the climate within the team has become very rare, a logical effect if we take into account the forcefulness of the setback.

Since that jug of cold water, in Jerez, neither Mir nor Alex Rins have added a single point in the two events held, in Le Mans and Mugello.

This Sunday, at the Circuit, the Spaniard will not have it easy either if we take into account that he will start from 17th place on the grid, on a day that, on paper, will be marked by high temperatures and how these will affect the tires .

The world champion of two years ago has still not announced his future, even though his arrival at the Repsol Honda team in 2023, as Marc Márquez’s teammate, is taken for granted in the paddock.

In any case, Mir must first straighten out the negative dynamics in which he has been installed and that happens by certifying a minimally convincing result, on which to start building his comeback.

According to him, he has the rhythm in Montmeló, where those problems that torment him at the entrance of the turns were magnified this Saturday when he put on the new tires.

“We have problems at the entrance of the curves, especially when putting the new compounds. We did not manage to extract our maximum potential as the others do,” summed up the Suzuki rider, who has been forced to go through the first qualifying round of the timed in the last three events.

Last Sunday, in Italy, the #36 bottomed out. He also had to start 17th, but this time he doesn’t see the comeback as something so complicated. “Here I am more optimistic than in Mugello, because with new tires I am one of the fastest. But that, the lack of speed when we put on the new ones does not allow us to see it”, deepened the boy from Palma, who, once again, did not have I hesitate to recognize that the atmosphere within Suzuki does not help to get out of a delicate situation like the current one: “It is not the best time for the team to solve the problems that exist, and it is clear that people are not as animated as before, but you have to do something to get out of the rut”.

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