SportMotoGPMir: "The pressure for Quartararo will be greater in...

Mir: "The pressure for Quartararo will be greater in each race"

Quartararo started the second half of the season in the Austrian one-two with a 34-point lead over then-runner-up Johann Zarco after four wins in the first nine races.

After finishing third and seventh in the two grands prix at the Red Bull Ring, El Diablo ‘s lead grew to 47 points ahead of next weekend’s British Grand Prix.

Joan Mir, now tied for second in the standings with Pecco Bagnaia, is trying to retain his 2020 title and believes that the next three races – Silverstone , Aragón and Misano – will be crucial in the championship battle, and that the pressure on Quartararo will increase.

“I think now Fabio will start a different championship,” said the Suzuki driver. “I think in the next three races we will start to see a different championship.”

(Before reading on, click on the image to see all the photos of Joan Mir at the 2021 MotoGP Austrian GP)

“Even if he has a considerable lead [overall], I think the pressure now will start to get higher every race. It’s always difficult for a rider to manage that pressure. Also, probably all the pressure from Yamaha is now against him and this It’s something that last year wasn’t like that.”

“He’s doing very well, but I’m sure the pressure will be much higher now, so we’ll see.”

Quartararo rejected Mir’s opinion, noting that having all of Yamaha’s eyes on him will be nothing new given that it was already the case during the Austrian GP weekend when his teammate Maverick Viñales was suspended.

The French driver believes that Mir only said that as a strategy to put pressure on him, but insists that it has not worked.

“That doesn’t change anything for me, in this race [the Austrian GP] I had the whole weight of Yamaha on my shoulders and nothing changed,” Quartararo replied.

“I think it’s a little strategy to try to put pressure on me. But it doesn’t affect me and I think it’s a fun game. I’ll be there to fight for the win at Silverstone.”

Mir said after the Austrian GP that he will need to win at least two races in the final part of the championship if he wants to fight for the title.

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