LivingTravelMosquitoes in Minneapolis and St. Paul

Mosquitoes in Minneapolis and St. Paul

The climate of Minneapolis and St. Paul has been described as freezing cold in winter and hot and full of mosquitoes in summer. The mosquito is also known as the “Unofficial Minnesota State Bird.” And according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota has at least 28 species of mosquitoes that bite humans.

In reality, winters are freezing and summers are hot and humid. But how bad mosquitoes are varies from year to year. The magnitude of a problem depends on several factors. The number of mosquitoes varies each year.

The authority on mosquitoes in the Twin Cities is the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. The MMCD survey and control of mosquitoes and other insects in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. For mosquito control, the MMCD uses helicopters to control larval mosquitoes. They also spray and fog neighborhoods to kill adult mosquitoes in the Twin Cities using vehicles and on foot.

Twin Cities residents can sign up for email alerts on the MMCD website and be notified when MMCD plans to spray in their neighborhood.

And while the MMCD is working to keep mosquito numbers low, there are still plenty of guards left to bite us. So what can we do to avoid being bitten?

Active Mosquito Repellent – There is DEET, widely available in most drugstore mosquito repellants, and then there are natural repellants. Here are tips on natural mosquito repellants, and here are natural product suggestions to keep mosquitoes away.

In addition to actively repelling mosquitoes, it can make your home and garden unattractive to them. There are many things you can do in your yard and around your home to limit where mosquitoes can breed.

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