SportMotoGPMotoGP - Bagnaia: “I let Márquez pass to do...

MotoGP – Bagnaia: “I let Márquez pass to do what he did”

The one from Turin went out to the race determined to impose his pace and get even for the poor performance last week on an eminently Ducati circuit, but the onset of rain forced him to change bikes, like the group that was in the lead, except for one Brad Binder who stayed on track and ended up taking the cat to the water.

Six laps from the end, Pecco Bagnaia entered, behind Marc Márquez, to change the bike. While the Honda rider crashed on the next lap, the Ducati rider made it to the podium (2nd).

“In the end there was one lap to win the race, but I’m happy. We have worked very well, we have had my best race in MotoGP”, assured the Italian.

“I wanted to win this race, but when it started to rain I didn’t know what to do. I have let Marc pass because in these situations he is number one and to do the same as him”, admitted the Ducati rider.

“The first few laps with the wet tire were very difficult, it was easy to fall, as happened to Marc. The tires had new film and it was easy to crash. But I was able to pick up a good pace and passed a lot of riders to get on the podium”.

Bagnaia is still unable to open his MotoGP win locker, and has missed a double at the Red Bull Ring, Ducati’s ‘home’ circuit.


“We lacked very little, we need a normal Sunday, that nothing happens. In the race we have done very well, we were saving tires for the end, but the rain appeared. We’ve reacted well, I’m happy and we’re going to try at the next Grand Prix at Silverstone ”, he consoled himself.

In terms of the World Cup, although he has regained second place, the 47 points that separate him from Fabio Quartararo are beginning to weigh on him.

“Surely we have lost an opportunity to reduce in the World Championship, especially last race. This Sunday we couldn’t do more, but last Sunday’s race was very bad in our goal of fighting for the World Cup”, settled the Torino rider.

(Click on the image to see the photos of the MotoGP race of the Austrian GP 2021)

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