SportMotoGPMotoGP - Márquez: "I wanted to try even at...

MotoGP – Márquez: "I wanted to try even at the risk of a crash"

Alcañiz.- And he did not achieve it by very little, because Marc Márquez went as far as seven times first, in as many overtakings in the last three laps that were answered by an unapproachable Pecco Bagnaia today, fair and deserved winner of the Aragón Grand Prix .

But the positive news is that Marc from before the injury could be seen, even if it was on a circuit that is like the garden of his house, risking his mustaches for a victory.

“For trying it has not been, that’s how I am. It was difficult for me, there was a moment in the race when I didn’t know whether to try or not, whether to follow him, because I knew that if I stayed there with him I was going to try and I was going to lose”, explained Marc at the end of the race.

“Apart from the fact that I’ve crashed for two consecutive races, with two more crashes this weekend, a season that hasn’t been easy, and in those conditions a podium was good, but if I didn’t try it I wouldn’t stay calm. I have tried it in all parts of the circuit. I preferred to try it even at the risk of going to the ground in the attempt”, confessed a combative Márquez.

“I knew that I had to lose, because even though I passed him on the back straight, he always recovered from me. It couldn’t have been, but I’m very happy to be on the podium and I want to thank everyone who is there supporting me”.

The one from Honda, after the race, in the parc fermé, sent a message to those who, supposedly, say that it will be difficult for him to be the same as before.

“There is a lot of uninformed ‘boquerón’ talking, but that is part of the show of this world, but a pilot has to be able to follow his own as I do and not be affected by anything. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes it goes wrong. Today it went well and it could have gone better and then I would have been a hero”, he valued. “I’m happy because it was a very good race.”

(Before reading on, click on this link or on the image to see the photos of the 2021 Aragón GP MotoGP race)

Márquez was only separated from victory by an imperial Pecco Bagnaia, who in his first victory did not show a single crack, not a single mistake, he turned like clockwork each and every one of the laps in the lead from pole.

“Pecco had a great race, with great pace. In this heat I did not expect it to be so fast. At first I tried to save tires, but I had to push to be able to follow him”, he admitted.

“Where we come from and how we are, this second place tastes like glory. It is a special circuit for me and I know that in Misano next week we will return to reality. And the reality is not to be the tenth, but the fifth or sixth, so all that remains is to continue working and the future will tell”, settled the Honda rider .

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