SportMotoGPMotoGP - Márquez: "I'm neither here to win nor...

MotoGP – Márquez: "I'm neither here to win nor for the podium"

The Honda rider continues on his quest to regain the strength he has lost in his right arm and elbow, as a result of the three operations he underwent to repair the damage he suffered when he fell in Jerez , at the first stop of the last year’s calendar. 

Márquez, who was always characterized by staging feline reflexes and by starring in incredible saves, recognized in recent weeks that the term [save] did not appear in his vocabulary at the moment.

However, as soon as the second qualifying session (Q2) began, the rider from Cervera (Lleida) was catapulted from his RC213V, held on tight with his right arm and miraculously fell back on top of his bike. That allowed him to keep riding until a second crash in the closing moments of the session took him back to the garage.


Despite the balance exercise that he carried out, the Honda man downplayed that maneuver that was taken out of the hat as he considered it more the result of luck than of his expertise. 

“I don’t even know how I did it. Obviously the arm is improving, but there is still a long way to go. A save with the elbow would be significant”, commented the Spaniard, who will start from the second row. 

Márquez, who arrives at Misano as the winner of the last round (Austin), is aware that his approach to this Sunday’s test is not at all similar to that of two weeks ago. In contrast to that, neither the layout favors him given the state of his right arm, nor does the cold that is expected benefit the performance of his bike. 

“In races with temperatures we [Honda riders] do better, because it is difficult for us to raise the temperature of the rear tire. It costs us too much, and that is why we go most of the time with the soft specification”, said the Catalan, almost more focused on feeling comfortable on his RC213V, than looking for a specific result.

“The most important thing is to recover the good feelings. In any case, even if we recover them, I’m not here to fight for victory or for the podium. The goal is to finish in the top five”, clinched #93 . 

(Click on this link or on the image to see the photos of Marc Márquez at the 2021 MotoGP Emilia Romagna GP)

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