EntertainmentGamesNaughty Dog remembers each of the 20 years they...

Naughty Dog remembers each of the 20 years they have spent together PlayStation

Naughty Dog wanted to share with us the best moments that the company has lived in these 20 years of PlayStation . Some moments that span from the launch of the first ‘Crash Bandicoot’ on PS1 to the arrival of PS4 and ‘The Last of Us Remastered’.

Many years of which Evan Wells , co-founder of the company, highlights the birth of Crash as Sony’s mascot and direct competition from Sonic and Mario. He also talks about the good years they lived with PS2 and the launch of the ‘Jak and Daxter’ saga.

Finally, how could it be otherwise, he is forced to talk about how they decided to leave the fantasy worlds and focus on creating more realistic characters and with it the arrival of Nathan Drake and ‘Uncharted’ . Nor can we forget about ‘The Last of Us’ and how its remastering claims to have helped them understand PS4 and be able to squeeze their hardware with the next ‘Uncharted 4’ .

| 12 great moments I lived with the first PlayStation that I will never forget

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