LivingNine tips to help our children and ourselves overcome...

Nine tips to help our children and ourselves overcome going back to school in our new reality

Since March our routines and way of living have changed and since the state of alarm was lifted we have tried to adapt to what we call “new reality .”

Children adapt to these new habits with a mask and social distance, but they will have to make an effort in a few days with a “new return to school” , with several possible scenarios and all very different from the one they experienced at the beginning of last year, for example.

And believe it or not, the current situation, the uncertainty and confusion generate frustration and anxiety for us parents, teachers and also our children. Laura Córdoba Rodríguez, psychologist at TherapyChat, explains to us adults what seven tips we should adopt to face this new reality as well as possible and help children and ourselves.

1. Allow children to behave like children

Try not to project your fears, since they live here and now, without thinking about tomorrow. Unload your backpack of anguish and worry and fill it with moments of care and time-sharing.

Many children do not anticipate what their situation will be in September, they do not think about what classes will be like or about possible outbreaks or a return to confinement.

It is the parents who ask themselves questions, the ones who are most anxious or fearful about the situation. On many occasions we project our feelings onto children and this causes them to also reflect how we feel.

2. Explain reality to them in a simple way

It is not necessary to exaggerate to understand the situation, or adopt the opposite position of unreal optimism, it is more effective to communicate what can happen in a reassuring way.

The most advisable thing is to ask the children what information they have and if they have any doubts or fears and solve them calmly and with words that are affordable for their age.

3. Monitor the conversations you have with other adults when a child is around

You have to take care of your words so as not to infect you with concerns that you can understand in your own way and disturb you. The little ones tend to copy our behavior, and that is why it is important that we internalize the message that we convey to them so that they too can adopt it and that they do not listen without having all the context and have to resort to their imagination to cover their lack of information.

4. Have a proactive conversation with your child about how he is feeling.

The psychologist points out that one of the consequences that COVID-19 has brought are “outbreaks of discrimination .” Therefore, it is important to make sure that your child is not experiencing or contributing to bullying.

It must be explained that the coronavirus is not related to the country of origin of a colleague, what language they speak or the social class to which they belong.

5. Observe if the child has difficulties with online education

One of the possible scenarios is that we return to virtual education, as during the state of alarm. Therefore, it is convenient to be prepared and not make the same mistakes. If we detect problems, Laura Córdoba advises taking these measures:

Design a routine. Thus, a certain time is established to study but without forgetting other important activities such as play or reading. In addition, you must be flexible and adapt, sometimes, to the momentary needs of children.

Don’t be in a hurry: start with shorter learning sessions and build progressively longer.

Protect your children from the dangers of the internet. Explain its advantages and establish parental controls to know what they see on the Internet.

Keep in touch with the school. In this way we have more information, we can ask questions, and we receive guidance.

6. Self-care to avoid stress and cope with anxiety

A tip suitable for parents and also for teachers. You need to find a way to express how you feel in order to process feelings, especially the most overwhelming ones. This can be done by talking to someone or in a more creative way such as writing, art, or sports.

It is also important to be kinder to yourself, allow yourself certain difficulties and understand that the expected changes are not going to happen overnight. Lastly, plan your own wellness. Set aside time to do activities that are enjoyable, both alone and in the company of family or friends.

“We must create situations where children can play, as it allows them to relax and relate. For this it is important to maintain routines and a regular schedule, as far as possible. You can also create new routines that adapt to the new environment, with the aim of allowing them to behave as usual ”.

7. Look for solutions that are simple by focusing on the most fundamental needs

Surely this return to school affects parents and teachers in a different way than in other years and it is logical that feelings of uncertainty or fear appear. The situation is already overwhelming enough, so we will have to focus only on solving the basics.

The psychologist at TherapyChat insists that, in this time of change:

“We have to focus on maintaining a healthy routine that includes a good sleep rhythm, exercise and a healthy diet, to find balance in our lives.”

8. Normalize the emotions that assail you

A very useful advice for teachers, since at some point in your classes, you may have to face a situation that causes feelings of blockage or panic. On these occasions, knowing how to deal with these feelings is more beneficial than trying to avoid them, as it will allow you to continue your work more productively.

Whether you are a teacher or if you work in another profession in which you interact with children or you are a parent, Laura Córdoba advises that you take some time to breathe. A deep breath can have a calming effect and help control feelings of stress or tension. Also, accept all your emotions, important to help your well-being.

9. If you are a teacher, seek support from your co-workers

Verbalize your feelings and establish communication channels where you can talk about your emotions and establish solutions with your team and school that can help reduce your fears.

Can you think of any more advice that you want to share with other parents and teachers and that can help us all to better face this strange and different return to school? Are you one of those who believe that classrooms should not be reopened or, on the contrary, are you betting on face-to-face teaching as the Minister of Education? We are waiting for your comments.

Photos | iStock

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