SportF1Norris proud to help others by talking about mental...

Norris proud to help others by talking about mental health

Lando Norris arrived in Formula 1 in the 2019 season, at just 19 years old, and has never hidden that he had problems with the stress that a driver in the highest category of motorsport could have during a grand prix.

The young Brit explained that the pressure he felt in those first races, where he felt that if he did not perform he risked losing his seat, was something that was difficult for him to cope with.

After seeking help to face this setback, the McLaren driver has established himself as one of the best valued drivers today, and is a benchmark for those who suffer in their lives psychological problems similar to those he had in his beginnings in the Great Circus.

Norris considers that being honest with what happens to him has brought benefits, both for himself and for the rest: “I am very happy to see that more people talk about it and realize that it not only helps themselves, but to others as well.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing to do,” he said. “I think it’s something that will only make you better and help you if you have a lot of people behind you listening to what you say. You’re going to help people who are also suffering.”

Norris said he received feedback from fans for his positive attitude: “I’m happy and proud to be part of that group of people who have accepted it and are happy and confident to talk about it.”

“One of the things that made me think it was good to express yourself is my fans, especially in the first few times. Before speaking publicly, some told me what helped them and the impact it could have on them,” said the English.

“Then I realized that the influence I can have on hundreds or thousands of people is enormous. When I start receiving messages telling me that I help them, that I make them feel better, or their friends or families, it’s something incredible of watch”.

“The more I looked at that, the more I realized the impact that I can have and the position that I’m in with Formula 1, with the supporters and group of fans that I have, that translates into more influence.”

“So I thought it was best to talk about it more openly and around the world to try to help as many people as possible,” Norris concluded.

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