LivingPediatricians recommend maintaining breastfeeding in Covid-19 positive mothers

Pediatricians recommend maintaining breastfeeding in Covid-19 positive mothers

This week, from August 1 to 7, we are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week, and given the pandemic context in which we find ourselves, the recommendation of pediatricians to maintain breastfeeding in Covid-positive mothers is important. 19.

Breastfeeding improves the survival of newborns and infants, and provides them with health benefits, such as the potential passage of mother-child antibodies against SARS-CoV-2,” explains Dr. Susana Ares , head of the Lactation area Maternal of the Nutrition and Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP). Therefore, and given the current evidence, “it is recommended to maintain breastfeeding from birth, as long as the clinical conditions of the newborn and its mother allow it .”

In line with the WHO recommendations, it maintains that “the benefits of early contact and breastfeeding far outweigh the possible risks of transmission and disease associated with COVID-19 .”

Recommendations for mothers with suspected or confirmed contagion

In the event that the mother has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding with strict contact isolation measures to reduce the risk of infection.

  • Frequent hand washing of hands with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel, especially before touching the baby.
  • Use of medical mask while breastfeeding.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing with a disposable tissue, throw it away immediately and perform proper hand hygiene again.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly.

Despite these recommendations, if a mother has suspected or confirmed infection and conditions do not allow breastfeeding, the best alternative for neonates and infants is expressing the mother’s milk. “Regardless of the method chosen, the most important thing is to ensure hygiene throughout the process , ” says Dr. Ares.

Therefore, the mother and anyone who helps her should wash their hands before expressing milk or touching any part of the pump or breast pump, or container used after each use, a recommended practice even in the absence of the disease.

“These recommendations take into account the likelihood of infants contracting COVID-19 and the possible associated risks, but also the risks of serious illness and death that arise when infants are not breastfed, as well as the protective effects of breastfeeding. maternal and skin-to-skin contact ”, explains the expert.

In Babies and more | Breast milk can protect the newborn against viruses

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