FunNature & AnimalPets are a great support for people with mental...

Pets are a great support for people with mental illness

Pets can help people manage their long-term mental illnesses. This is the conclusion reached by research developed by the University of Manchester. In addition, the results of the study have been published in the journal BMC Psychiatry.

The study has been able to demonstrate that the physical proximity of pets and their constant presence are a source of immediate calm as well as a therapeutic benefit for pet owners. Additionally, the researchers suggest that pets are crucial support in managing mental health problems, especially in the long term.

Pets, unconditional support

“The people we spoke to over the course of the study felt that their pet played a variety of positive roles , such as helping them manage the stigma associated with their mental health by giving them acceptance without judgment,” explained Helen Brooks, a researcher at the University of Manchester and lead author of the study.

The researchers also concluded that pets were especially helpful in emotional crises, providing unconditional support that they often did not receive from other family or social relationships.

Investigation Development

The researchers interviewed 54 participants who had been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Participants were asked to rate the importance of members of their close environment (including friends, family, pets, health professionals, and even places and activities) by placing them in a diagram with three circles.

Everything that was placed in the center circle was considered the most important , while the middle circle was of medium importance and the outer circle was considered to be of less importance.


The scientists found that pets played an important role in people who had a mental health problem, with 60% of the participants placing their pet in the most important center circle.

Likewise, 20% of the participants put their pet in the second circle, as they assured that their pet had been helpful in distracting them from various disturbing symptoms and experiences, such as hearing voices or suicidal thoughts.

Thanks to this research, health specialists will be able to adopt newer approaches and therapies, as pets help patients to maintain a commitment and establish an emotional bond.

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