SportF1Pirelli reveals the tires for the next four races

Pirelli reveals the tires for the next four races

After the first three rounds of the 2022 Formula 1 season in which we saw a wide variety of tire selections, the official supplier of the Grand Circus, Pirelli , has announced the compounds they will take to the next four races.

The Italian company was conservative in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, where they put on the track the C1, C2 and C3 in the case of Shakir, and the C2, C3 and C4 in Jeddah, in a range that goes from C1 (harder) to C5 (softer). In Australia they went one step further, making a jump between C2 and C3 , going directly to C5 , which was never used in the race due to degradation.

In the next weekend of competition, those from Milan will travel with the hardest (white) as the C2 , the medium (yellow) will be the C3 and the softest (red) on the Imola track for the Grand Prix of the Emilia Romagna will be the C4 .


For the premiere of the Miami Grand Prix on the urban layout through the streets of the American city at the beginning of May, the company that supplies Formula 1 will bet on the same team as in Imola, but the biggest changes will come when land definitively in Europe.

During the Spanish Grand Prix, Pirelli will return to the more conservative option used at the opening round in Bahrain, with the C1 (white), C2 (yellow) and C3 (red), due to the high degradation that is usually seen in the circuit of Barcelona-Catalunya.

Shortly after, at the glamorous and prestigious Monaco Grand Prix, the tire company will present the softest range available, i.e. the C3 (white), C4 (yellow) and C5 (red), in part because of the characteristics of the track, where races are held with only one pit stop due to the difficulty of overtaking.

This will be the first contact of the new Pirelli 18-inch tires with some of the most historic tracks in the highest category of motorsport, and it will be key to study their behavior during free practice and, in the case of the GP of Emilia Romagna, how they perform in the sprint race, the first of the three to be held in 2022.

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